Chapter 1

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Natalie woke up from a coma that she's been in for 2 years. Nothing that she thought has happened between her and Ross actually happened. She moves to Cali and runs into him at a store, he knows her.

Quick A/N; this story will be in Natalie's POV unless it says otherwise.



"Ross?" I say shocked.

"Oh my gosh! You're okay!" He says hugging me.

"Um, Ross? How do you know me?" I ask him.

He steps back and looks at me confused.

"What do you mean, 'how do I know you?"

"I know you because you're Ross Lynch, I've never actually met you before, how do you know my name?"

"I'm confused. Can we go somewhere and talk?" He says taking my hand.

When he grabbed my hand, I felt the same way I imaged it did when I was in the coma.


We go to the food court and find a table that's away from people.

"Okay, where do I start." Ross says thinking out loud. "First off, if you know of me and are a fan, why didn't you freak out when you saw me?"

"I don't know how to say this without it sounding creepy." I begin; "but, I got into a really bad car accident 2 years ago and it put me in a coma. But see, I didn't remember the car accident and I thought I had just continued on with life. I'm from Ohio-"

"I know." Ross says cutting me off.

"Anyways, and we were moving to California and you and the rest of your family ended up being our neighbors. And-"

"Can I stop you there?" Ross asks.


"So has anyone told you yet about how I got really sick?"

I nod my head yes.

"Well, I passed out and was unconscious for about 3 days. The doctors thought I wasn't going to make it. Within those 3 days, just like you, I thought my life had continued on. You, you're mom, and your sister moved into the house next door to us and I asked you out and the first time you said no, but the second time you said yes. Then we went on tour and-"

I cut him off.

"And Juliet called me begging me to come home because my moms new boyfriend was abusing them." I finish his story.

"Yes! Wait, you thought of that too?"

"Yeah. Then from there, I moved in with you. Then I thought you had cheated on me with your ex, Michelle, and went back to Ohio for a few days-"

Ross cut me off again.

"That's when I woke up. The first thing I said when I regained consciousness was 'where's Nat and did she forgive me?' I was worried for days that something happened to you and my family just didn't want to tell me."

Something really doesn't make sense. We sit in silence thinking for a while until an idea hits me.

"Ross, what if when we were both unconscious, our minds like, connected or something, causing us to think the same thing?" I ask.

(A/N I know this isn't possible, but it's a story, it doesn't have to be real.)

"I was thinking the same thing. Like during that time, we were both interacting with each other mentally, not physically."


"So what happened after that?" He asks me.

"Well I did forgive you. Our relationship grew, and um-" I say getting nervous on how he will react to the part when I tell him he got me pregnant.

"Oh no. What happened?" He asks worried.

"We kind of um, you know, and I got pregnant."

He sits there for a minute processing what just happened.

"We, had a baby together?" He asks quietly.

"Yeah, we did. A daughter." Tears form in my eyes thinking about her. "Her name was Rhylee."

Even though it wasn't real, I still feel like a piece of me is missing knowing she isn't here and real.

"That's a beautiful name. Who thought of it?"

"I honestly don't remember, but we both wanted to keep the 'R' thing going."

"Was that it? We had a baby together, then you woke up?" He asks.

"No, there was more." I begin. "When we found out we were having a girl, you proposed to me. I said yes. But when we got back home, my mom had gotten out of rehab and forced me to move back to Ohio with her. I was going to stay until I was 18, then move back so I'd be in Cali when she was born; but then I came back and surprised you one weekend and walked in on Michelle kissing you, so I left and was hurt and said I was staying in Ohio until after graduation. Around my birthday, you moved to Ohio. Time went on and a week before Christmas, Rhylee was born. Eventually, my mom got remarried and we were planning the wedding and I had just gotten my dress. That's when I woke up."

"Wow. We lived an eventful life." Ross said.

I laughed a little.

"Yes, we did. But it was worth it because I was with the guy that I loved."

Ross smiled.

"Sorry, that probably sounded really creepy."

He laughed.

"It sounded perfect. When I woke up, I was trying to find a girl that when I was with her, I felt like how I felt when I was with you; but I never did."

We sit in silence until I look at my phone I just got today and looked at the time.

"Well, I should probably go find my mom." I say standing up.

"Wait." Ross said. "Can I have your number before you go?"

I smile.


I hand him my phone and he puts his number in and text's himself so he has mine.

"Talk to you soon Ross." I say turning away.

"Wait, one more thing." He says running in front of me. "I honestly don't think I can stay away from you knowing that you're real. So, Natalie, will you be my girlfriend?"


Cliffhanger already!

I wasn't going to put this up yet, but I've gotten a lot of comments, so I figured I would since you guys liked the ending of book 2 so much!

How'd you like this chapter? It's really long, but I feel like if I would've made it into shorter chapters, it wouldn't be as good as I wanted it to be.

Like I said before, I know the whole 'they imagined the same thing when they were unconscious' thing isn't real, but it's fiction, so it doesn't have to be.

I'm not sure how often I'm going to be updating this. I have 7 chapters written now, so it might be frequent for a while; but I have other things to do and I don't want to feel pressured to constantly update when I run out of ideas. Thanks for understanding.

Make sure to vote and comment!

Thanks for reading!! :)

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