Chapter 8

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Within 2 weeks, Ross and I were able to find an apartment that we both like, affordable, and close to both our families. Okay, it's not really an apartment, it's more like a condo. There's 2 floors, the upstairs has 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, and the first floor has the obvious, living room, kitchen, bathroom and dining room.

We set up the extra bedroom as a room for Trevor. It has the basics for a baby and a lot of toys.

We moved in about 3 days ago. So far I've really liked living with Ross.

Today is the first day that Ross is having Trevor all day. He's really excited, but nervous that he's not going to be a good dad.

"Ross, you'll be fine. Relax." I reassure him.

"But what if he doesn't like me?"

"Did you see the way he looked at you the other day at the park? I can tell he already loves you."

Ross' phone rings and it's Michelle asking to be let inside. He goes downstairs to get him.

About 10 minutes later he comes back inside, holding Trevor and a bag of his things.

He smiles when he sees me.

"Hi buddy!" I say to Trevor.

He giggles a little and reaches out to me.

"He likes you already." Ross says.

"Should we take him into his room, or bring a few toys down here, or what?"

"Um, I think Michelle packed some toys, so I guess we can let him play down here."

We go into the living room and I set him down on the floor. Ross gets down on the floor and starts playing with him.

I sit on the couch watching them play. It's the cutest thing watching those two. Trevor acts so much like Ross already.

A little while later, I go in the kitchen to make lunch for me and Ross. I hear the tv turn on, but I ignore it.

10 minutes later, I go back into the living room. Ross is laying on the couch and Trevor is laying on his chest, both of them are passed out.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture of them.

I put Ross' lunch in the refrigerator so he can eat it when he wakes up, and I eat lunch by myself.

I clean up and go back in the living room and watch tv.

About an hour later I look over at the boys sleeping on the couch.

Ross is still asleep, but Trevor is awake. He crawls up to Ross' face and starts poking his nose. Ross wakes up within the first 3 pokes.

"Someone's happy to see you." I say to Ross.

"Yeah, I guess he is." Ross says smiling.

"Your lunch is in the refrigerator."

"Okay, thanks."

He sits up holding Trevor and goes into the kitchen.

The rest of the day we play with him until Michelle picks him up.


Hope you liked!

Guys, today's my birthday!! Side note, I'm only a year younger than Ross for the next 2 months! Lol

Don't forget to check out my new fanfic, 'I Can't Forget You'!!

So I've decided that I don't care how many votes or comments I get before I update, I'll just update when I want. But I would still like you guys to comment and let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading!! :)

Stay With Me-Ross LynchWhere stories live. Discover now