Part 10

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Boxing Day. It's not as big as Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, obviously, but my family still celebrates it. We basically have a big meal later on in the evening and then play some games. Right now, we were all at the dinner table, me sitting next to Freddy of course. Whilst everyone was getting their food ready, Freddy slid his hand up my thigh, and ironically, I had a skirt on today.
"This is a tease." Freddy whispered to me, tugging on my skirt. I smiled to myself as my mom passed me my food.
"What are you smiling at?" She asked, causing me to shrug.
"Just thought of something funny." I said, brushing it off.

We were all chatting amongst ourselves, enjoying dinner when Sophia suddenly piped up out of nowhere.
"Ow." She squealed, causing everyone's attention to go over to her.
"Are you ok?" Aiden asked, making me want to either throw up or roll my eyes because I just can't stand her.
"No, Freddy just kicked me." She complained, causing me to look at Freddy in confusion. The thing is, Freddy looked confused too.
"No I didn't." Freddy replied, but his father wasn't having it.
"Freddy, apologise." Uncle Larry ordered, causing Freddy to scoff.
"I didn't touch her!" He said louder. Everyone else at the table were looking uncomfortable and awkward, not really knowing what to say.
"Are you calling my girlfriend a liar?" Aiden asked, sticking up for his girlfriend.
"Yes I am." Freddy spat back at Aiden, but Uncle Larry wasn't having any of it.
"Freddy, I'm not going to ask again." He raised his voice loudly.
"Then don't. I didn't fucking touch her!" He yelled back, slamming his fist on to the table.
"Do not talk to your father like that!" Larry roared, standing up from his seat.
"You're not my father!" Freddy replied back, matching his tone. "Never have never will!"
"I'm more of a father than your real one ever was!"
"Don't talk about my parents." Freddy lowered his voice as he stared right into Larry's eyes.
"Where are they now, huh?" Larry pushed.
"Shut up. Stop talking about them." Freddy's anger started to rise again.
"Why not? Is it the fact that your father ran away or the fact that your real mother's dead!" He screamed, causing everyone to go deadly silent; even Freddy. A few painfully slow seconds went by and no one had moved an inch. This was until Freddy pushed the table and stormed off, slamming the front door, indicating that he had left the house.

About a minute had gone by and everyone still didn't know what to say or do. Uncle Larry went to his bedroom but no one else moved.
"Maybe he didn't kick me after all." Sophia said, causing everyone to look at her.
"Are you kidding me?" I asked, facing Sophia. "You just let that whole thing explode and you're not even sure if he actually kicked you?" My voice was full of anger but at a scarily low tone.
"I just thought I-"
"No it's ok, you thought you felt him kick you." Aiden explained, but I wasn't having it.
"No it's not ok, he either did or didn't!" I said before leaving the kitchen and into my bedroom.

As I was laying on my bed, I heard someone knocking on my door.
"Can I come in?" Auntie Kerry asked.
"Yeah sure." I replied, sitting upright in my bed. She smiled as she opened the door, making her way over to my bed.
"You dont have to do this if you don't want to, but could you try and find Freddy? I would t normally ask things like this from people but it's just that recently, he's only been listening to you." She asked.
"Oh, um, yeah that's fine. I'll go now."
"Great, thank you Jess, it really means a lot. I'm sorry about what happened at the table." She added. I put my hair in a ponytail, put my coat on and then slipped on my shoes. I gave a small wave to Emma as I left the house and I headed to the place I knew he would be.

"Freddy? Freddy?" I shouted as I walked through the woods, heading for the spot we previously were in before. I followed the footpath for a while until I saw a tall figure ahead of me. As I got closer, I realised what Freddy was doing.
"Freddy stop! Freddy!" I ran to his frame as he was continuously kicking and hitting a tree in front of him. I pulled on his top from behind but before I could pull him away, he quickly turned around and grabbed my waist, pushing me against the tree. One arm was holding my tiny frame against the tree as the other was resting above me on the tree, as if he was holding himself up.
We stayed there for a moment, Freddy's eyes searching my face, not daring to look elsewhere.
"You need to calm down, ok?" I said, gaining no reply but his breathing did slow down a little.
"What he said back there, he didn't mean it." I whispered, trying to relax him. "And I know you didn't touch Sophia." I moved my arm from my side to him arm, carefully moving it to his chest. Without a reply, Freddy suddenly pulled me close to him, kissing me straight away. My body replied after it took hold of what was happening as my hands went up to behind his neck, allowing me to kiss him more. As the kiss was getting more heated, Freddy pushed me back against the tree, causing us to break apart for a few seconds. Freddy dampened his lips and looked me before pressing his lips back onto mine, his hands roaming my body.

"You are so gorgeous." Freddy whispered as he kissed along my jawline. Part way through him kissing my neck, he suddenly stopped his actions and stared at me again.
"Jump." He huskily commanded, causing me to jump and wrap my legs around him straight away. He carried me to the bench we sat on last time and laid me down. His hand went up my thigh as his other hand went to the bottom of my top. I was watching his every movement until he kissed me again, causing me to close my eyes. This was until I felt his hands going underneath my top towards my breasts. I opened my eyes and tried to push him away, hinting that I was confused at his intentions.
"What are you doing?" I asked, my hands on his chest to stop him kissing me.
"I need to clear my head." He replied, still on top of me as he was looking directly into my eyes.
"What does that mean?" He placed my hands off his chest and whispered in my ear.
"I want to touch you." He climbed off me and sat in the bench, pulling me up onto his lap. His hand slid up my thigh again as his other held my lower back.
"Let me touch you." He pleaded.
"This is wrong." I backtracked, causing Freddy to softly turn my head to face him.
"Please." I looked elsewhere but his eyes.
"We shouldn't ." I whispered, trying to get off his lap, but resulted in Freddy's grip tightening.
"Jessica, I need a distraction, let me touch you, please." It wasn't that I didn't want to, its just that I know it's wrong.
"So I'm just a distraction to you?" I asked, causing Freddy to suddenly shake his head.
"No." His hand slid up and down my thigh.
"I can make you feel good." I rested my forehead on his forehead.

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