how the hell do you forget that you've been shot?

218 17 6

trigger warning–blood, gore?¿:

:july 16, 2015

     "this is quite possibly the worst fucking birthday i've ever had." luke grumbles as he shakes glass shards from his hair. "i mean, really? we can't go one fucking day without being kicked, hit, shot at, and almost killed? honestly." he shakes his head as he tugs his jacket off, blood immediately beginning to spill out of his upper arm. "fuck, shit! oh my god, fuck." he gasps as blood starts gushing from his arm. "fuck. mike, i totally forgot i got shot. i'm losing a shit ton of blood."

     "what?" michael looks over from his spot on the side of the motel bathtub. "holy fuck." his eyes widen as he sees the blood pouring out of luke's arm. "oh my god, oh my god, what do i do?" he rushes to luke's side. "fuck, fuck, please don't die on me, oh my god."

     luke looks away, as the sight of blood violently gushing from his arm–mixed with the hot, pulsing sensation at the wound–makes him horribly nauseous. "stop– stop the bleeding. you need to stop the bleeding." michael nods and quickly presses a wad of paper towels to luke's arm, luke wincing at the impact. "worst fucking birthday ever."

     "what do i do now?" michael asks. "fuck, the paper towels are drenched in blood. oh my god."

     "don't take them off." luke says sharply as his eyes squeeze shut. "put more over them. put pressure on the wound." he swallows as he feels himself becoming lightheaded. "i need to sit down, don't let go of the paper towels." michael follows luke, sitting on the side of the bathtub as luke plops down on the toilet seat. "okay, okay–i need stitches, fuck. find the shitty motel sewing kit every place has, you need that."

     "okay, okay." michael nods. "alright, uh– put your hand here." he grabs luke's hand and luke quickly presses his hand against his arm when michael moves. "alright, okay, i'll be right back." michael turns to run out of the bathroom, but luke stops him.

     "you also need ibuprofen." luke comments. "and we really need isopropyl alcohol, but whiskey's going to have to work. we need more paper towels, the roll of gauze i have in my bag, peroxide, a lighter, and scissors. oh, and ice. hurry, please, i'm probably going to pass out from blood loss and i need to walk you through giving me stitches." michael's eyes widen as luke mentions passing out. "if you don't move right now you're going to have to give me a blood transfusion. do you want to give me a blood transfusion? fuck."

     michael jumps as luke raises his voice, but it urges him to bolt out of the bathroom. he tears through the motel room, throwing things everywhere as he digs through drawers to find a sewing kit. "fuck, i just threw a bible. we're both going to die." he mumbles to himself as he glances back at the bible he had discarded over his shoulder. michael gasps lightly as he sees the small sewing kit, and pulls it out of the drawer. he collects the other items and returns to the bathroom. "okay, what do i do now?"

     "wash your hands." luke grumbles. "then get the sewing kit out. sterilize the needle with the lighter, and the thread with the whiskey. god, this is going to get so infected." luke watches as michael does as he was told. "alright, lay everything out on the towel, make sure you have everything. pour the whole fucking bottle of ibuprofen in my mouth, i'm going to take the towels off my arm. the blood has probably slowed down since i have the laceration raised above my heart. you need to clean the area with peroxide. don't get mad if i kick you."

     michael smiles. "just grab my arm." he moves to luke's side, where luke is slowly removing the towels from his arm. "oh, shit." michael says bluntly once he gets a good look at the cut. "that's disgusting. i'm going to vomit." he looks away as he gags.

     luke rolls his eyes. "and i'm going to die, mike." of course, luke knows he isn't actually going to die. he'll probably pass out from blood loss, then have to rest for a few days. he'll be fine, if michael will hurry the hell up. "pour the peroxide on it before i do it myself, please."

     "okay, okay." michael nods. "okay, here we go." he holds the underside of luke's arm gently, and pours the peroxide on the laceration, using his other hand. luke winces, leaning his head back as he groans in pain. "i'm sorry."

     "it's okay." luke says quickly. "just burns." he shakes off the initial shock of the burning. "alright, now you have to stitch it up. we don't have a curved needle, so we have to improvise since an interrupted suture is impossible." michael looks at luke with an extremely confused look on his face. "that's the kind of suture doctors use. they used curved needles, but as i said, we don't have one." he pauses. "alright, let's get this over with, please."

     "okay." michael says quietly. he shakily picks up the threaded needle and returns to his position next to luke. "you can do this." he murmurs encouragement at himself. "alright, here we go, okay–"

     "just push the goddamn needle into my arm, mike." luke huffs. "please."

     michael gags as he begins stitching up luke's arm. he turns to allow luke to grip his arm as the boy moans in pain, letting a few tears slip in the process. michael works as quickly as he can, while making sure he's as careful as possible. the whole fight they were involved in was michael's fault, and it breaks michael's heart to know that luke never would've been in this much pain if it weren't for him. "okay, i'm done." michael says softly. "put the gauze on it now?"

     luke shakes his head. "clean it again." he mumbles, lazily leaning against michael's stomach. "then the gauze." michael sighs as he cleans the wound again, only this time, luke doesn't reply. he lifts his free arm up, wrapping it around michael's waist for support. michael gently wraps the gauze around luke's arm. "i'm going to pass out now. make sure my head stays above my heart, please." luke mumbles, his eyes fluttering shut as michael gasps.

     "luke? shit, hey." michael bends down as luke's head drops down on the boys shoulder. "i've got you, love." he picks luke up bridal style, taking special care to luke's left arm. michael makes his way out of the bathroom and gently sets luke on the bed. "some fucking birthday, right?"

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