Heartless Endorsers.

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Heartless Endorsers.

The way is narrowed and the pious.

Seen only as a path for exclusion.

Shaking the dust from their sandals,

then thanking God, gloriously

believing they're right.

But being so only brings fleeting comfort;

especially when the directive is at odds with love.

Oh how they smile, acting happily

on their hollow victories.

Unfeeling, as a cold collective, smirk

seeks to snuff out the warmth of grace.

Honestly, the urge is to smack the smirk;

heckle, bar, and exclude in return, but, to what end?

Jesus said, "Turn the other cheek"; but, dang it!

He could see the insidious evil in their hearts,

and called it out!

Put down the sword, sure.

Don't hesitate to turn over a few tables.

Upheaval toward injustice, intolerance

and hate, with love.

A small victory may wake the sleepy mind.

Smile and love, try hard not to judge;

or judge and to be so.


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