The Architect.

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The Architect.

The draft has been laid before you.

Slowly, you glimpse its pages.

A written layout, a prototype to speak;

chased down throughout the ages.

Sketch in your own design if you will.

It's of little consequence to the master draft.

You may even draw in a few renderings but,

the master plan will always come to pass.

The foreman pulls all things together as one.

Working in the finer details however,

it's in the architect's superior organization...

Devising the outline, blocking out schemes

that don't fall into the grand formation.

Pieces laying out, playing in partnered precision.

A matter of perception is needed to see the big picture.

Then there are those that won't see the traces put forth.

Only events performed inside of their own conjecture.

Work it out, play the part you were meant to play;

even if you can't see through to the master plan.

Be a model for others to follow if you can;

for we are all working along this diagram.


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