Portions of nothing.

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Portions of nothing.

With a vengeance she worked her way

from a wilderness that held her heart at bay.

Of all the trees that stood,

only one gave dominion.

Extending its branches wide,

shadowing out the heated day.

Gently moving leaves wait patiently

with-holding their caress.

Touched into a dated prison

of her own self proclaimed duress.

Releasing a form of spiritualism

to those remnants lost to time.

To chains that bound the young,

the faithful let loose, in harmonious song.

To the selected, united in pairs,

higher their voices of melody climb.

Not a one better than the next

as they rise into the air.

Loosened tongues

from that boiling pot of life, climb.

Quenched and lost as they bounce off shields

allowing the breath of those singing to continue.

Not as cowardliness comes but,

singing as one voice, reverberating.

Shaking loose those binding chains.

Onward, voices reverberate and climb.

Few ever listen to the notes knocking at the door.

Thickened are trees holding the strong against the anxious;

like frightened dogs in a kennel,

no barking can be heard.

As the forest brings forth a crown of thistle.

Slowly drying within itself;

it hands it back to the shamed.

Well placed pikes crawl into place like pawns.

Gathering together for the love of the spawn.

Hold fast claims the wilderness sheltering children.

Hold tight, claims the leaves that never fell in the wind.

Hold the notes that rose and climbed high for the day.

Hold fast to what you know is coming...

A barrage of priest gathering like shields;

claiming nothing is lost to forever and yet,

it's held together against a wilderness

that sang on, like a chorus.

To the land roaring in anger,

agitating spears thrown like raindrops.

Piercing the blades they land upon.

Then vanishing them into air like a memory.

They sob in anguish with their last words of Why?.

And the wind recalls dominion then implicates its portion;

divided against those beating hearts that were left alone to cry.

Then high on the wind those voices bounce back, beautiful.

More harmonious than before as it passes over to the faithful.

Keeping them safe from those chains that cut off the blind.

Keeping their voices from falling off the ends of time.


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