Chapter 1

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**Authors Note: Hey guys!! I am so so excited about this new book. My last book with all of the ships got a little hectic so I decided to focus on one or two couples at a time and not all of them. Most of the characters will show up at some point in this book because they are all friends, of course. Enjoy! ;)

Simon clawed his way out of the grave that he was just placed in a few hours ago. Clary watched in horror as her former alive best friend climbed out of the ground.

Jace grabbed Clary tight and whispered that this is what needed to be done for new vampires. Once Simon was up out of the grave he was tired and hungry... for blood. He looked expectantly towards the couple standing in front of him for his food.

Jace cursed under his breath.
"Damnit, I forgot the pack of blood in the institute!" Clary sighed in worry.

"How are we going to feed him Jace?" Jace looked up in regret for what he was about to suggest.

"Clary I-" He was abruptly cut off by a large figure jumping down from a nearby tree and landing in front of them. The man faced Clary and Jace with the expression of pure annoyance.

"Jace didn't I tell your shadow hunter friends to always be careful when bringing up the dead?" The vampire said.

Jace laughed and nodded towards Simon still sitting on the upturned grass. Clary was immediately drawn to the man before her out of pure lust. He was beautiful. His face looked as if it was carved out of granite. His height was perfect, his stature strong and dominating. Clary was drawn out of her daydream by the sound of ripping plastic.

Jace had now moved towards Simon and the vampire was blocking out clary from what was happening. Clary walked around the two attractive men and almost gagged at the sight. The vampire had given Simon a bag of fresh blood in which he was now golfing down.

"He'll need a lot more of that. Do you shadow hunters have enough? I could always take him under my wing for awhile until he is ready to function alone." The vampire said while lifting Simons chin towards his face. Clary noticed how Simons face lit up bright red when the elder vampire touched him.

Odd, she thought.

"Yes, Raphael. We do. Thank you but we have got to get going now." Jace said.

Clary froze. Raphael, as in Raphael Santiago? Oh no, he was nothing but bad news and Simon did not need to be around that, Clary thought to herself.

Raphael removed his finger from Simons chin, earning a whine, while standing to say, "You know Jace, me being the superior vampire of this city, I would be the most qualified to take care of this fledgling." With that remark Raphael smirked.

Jace looked at Clary, who shook her head profusely.

"You will not be taking my best friend anywhere! He is staying with me whether you like it or not. I got him into this situation and I will help him the best I can." Clary said matter of factly.

Raphael began to shake his head and got down once again to get a good look at Simon.

"You know why dont we ask the young vampire what he wants to do." Raphael said while once again lifting Simons chin so that they would make eye contact. Simon stood up quickly and stumbled on his words while looking at Jace and Clary.

"I...I- want to- if, you know- he.. lets me go... go with Raphael." He said under his quickly but surely. He tucked his head out of embarrassment and looked up to see Clarys face unreadable.

Was it really so wrong that he wanted to go with another vampire after turning?

"Clary...dont be upset. I...I- just want to be with another vampire. After being dropped into this world I dont know how to act or even what to do. Being with one of my kind would really help me out. Are you okay with that?" Simon said quietly.

Clary gave a half nod towards Simon and cleared her throat while looking at Raphael.

"You will take care of him and drop him off to me personally when he is ready to be out and about in the world. I will come to see him as often as I can so be ready and tell your vamp guards to not kill me okay?" Clary sighed and looked at Simon one last time and went in for a hug.

Clary was stopped short by Raphael's hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. He has only had one bag of blood and that isnt nearly enough for his first night alive. Im sorry but you can't get that close yet." Raphael said.

Clary sighed and went to Jace, clasping their fingers and waving goodbye. Simon waved back while his stomach rumbled with absolute hunger. Raphael looked at the young vampire and waited until the boy looked at him.

"So, fledgling, what is your name?"

"Its Simon. Can we please go back to where you said you have blood? Im starving... literally."

Raphael nodded and laughed while turning to head back to his apartment building. The young boy, Simon, was definitely the prettiest vampire he had ever come to see. His chocolate brown eyes and dark curly hair made him want to devour the boy whole.

He had a stout body but was smaller and shorter than Raphael which pleased him. This vampire was going to be the death of Raphael and he knew it, which was the biggest reason he wanted Simon to come with him. Hopefully Simon was up for some experimenting with him. Because Raphael wanted Simon in all the worst ways.

Simon walked quietly next to the sexy giant beside him. He relived those moments that Raphael had touched his chin and made Simon almost beg for more. Even now while they were walking Simon wanted Raphael to say something that would give him a hint as to what Raphael thought of him.

Simon had never considered himself as gay before now. The images of what he wanted the sexy man beside him to do to him made him think that he just might be indeed, gay. Simon took the opportunity to study the vampire to his right. He probably has a lot of people under the spell I am under, Simon thought. He sighed at that and began studying his face again.

His eyes and hair were almost black while his skin had an olive yet white tone to it. His facial features showed that he seldom smiled and when he did it wasn't fully. I wish he would smile at me, Simon thought.

But why would I want that? He thought. Im not gay.

Raphael began to slow his pace and stopped in front of a large hotel.

"Well, this is where I call home." Raphael said in a low voice which made Simon blush.

Raphael had to carry Simon up the five flights of stairs and finally to their room because of how weak Simon had gotten. Raphael laid Simon on the couch and went to fetch the packs of blood in the fridge. The living room was large and modern with no messes or piles of anything anywhere unlike Simons old living room.

Raphael was back in flash with more than enough packs for Simon to nurse on though out the night. As Simon sipped on the blood, Raphael watched him in a large chair by the side of the couch. The way Simons lips captured the straw connected to the bag captivated Raphaels eyes and member. Raphael watched as Simon sucked on the straw while picturing him sucking on something else. Simon immediately noticed what he had done to Raphael by the intense gaze he had on Simon and the heavy breathing. Simon blushed and tried to block Raphael out of his line of vision.

Simon sucked on the straw and subconsciously started to moan at how good the blood tasted. Raphael heard the moan and found himself getting hard at the young vampires actions.

Oh how he wanted to jump the boys bones but he knew how innocent Simon was. He also knew what would happen if he stayed and watched this vampire moan in front of him. Raphael left the room in a flash to get some air leaving Simon alone. Simon was surprisingly okay with the elder vampires disappearance, it gave him time to fully take in his surroundings and relax a little.

Outside Raphael was pacing back and forth. What should I do about this young boy? He thought.

He could very easily get me in trouble if something goes wrong and I cannot get into any more conflicts, or relationships. But he is so fragile, I dont want to hurt him either, yet I know my attraction for him won't go away. So, Ill cut him out and distract myself with some other vampire in the time that he is staying here in hopes I dont fall for him.

Simon, Raphael thought as he put on the mask of who he once was before he met Simon and stalked into the apartment yet again.

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