Chapter 4

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Once Simon woke up, he quickly and quietly ran to the fridge to get multiple packs of fresh blood. He was starving and the smell coming from the plastic packages smelled amazing.

Simon ran back to the guest room and closed the door as quickly as possible. He ripped open the package with his already erect fangs and began to suck down the warm liquid.

Raphael knew Simon was awake and active with his feeding because he had woken up hours ago to alert other vampires of the new fledging. Most were accepting but the youngest vampires had more of a chip on their shoulders.



"Simon is the newest member of our clan and I want each and every one of you to accept him and make him feel welcome. I would also appreciate it if the younger vampires would show him around as I have multiple meetings with the shadow hunters this week." Raphael said to about a hundred vampires ranging in ages from 10 to 1,000+ years old.

"So where exactly is Simon? I haven't seen or heard of anyone new." Said Raul one of the guards.

Raphael sighed but said what had to be said. "He is staying with me In my apartment for the moment being..."

The whispers began and the outbursts of multiple young and old vampire chimed in their disapproval of the rooming arrangement.

"Thats not fair!!" someone shouted from the back of the room.

"He has never let anyone stay with him.." An attractive elder vampire whispered to one of the younger vampires.

"Listen, I know many of you are upset, but this should not change the way you treat Simon at all. He is staying with me because of a deal I made with his fellow shadow hunter friends." Raphael said loudly.

The remark about the shadow hunter ignited more shouting and angered multiple vampires to the point some ran out of the room.

"So you are siding with the shadow hunters now huh Santiago?" A large muscular vampire named Jackson said angrily. Raphael knew exactly why he would be so upset. His girlfriend was pierced by one of the shadow hunters arrows in an alley way one night.

That incident did not blow over for many many many months.

"Listen!" Raphael shouted, fed up with the outbursts.

"Have I not been a loyal and trusting leader? Have I misguided any one of you? If someone has a problem with the way I run things you know what to do....Now, does anyone want to challenge me?" Raphael growled.

Not one person stepped up or made a move to even suggest that they wanted to fight the vampire 'king'.

"Now, I will bring Simon down later and Ashley and Lucas will show him around and that is not up for debate got it?"

"Yes Master Santiago!" the clan shouted at the leader. They all quickly departed and dispersed throughout the building complex.

Raphael sighed as Ashley and Lucas briskly walked towards him. Ashely was a vampire around 20 years old in vampire time, she was accidentally turned when she was 17. Ashely was a pretty girl who Raphael had his eye on when she came begging for help 20 years ago.

She had a slender body with rounded hips and was very short compared to Raphaels 6'2 stature. She had bright blue eyes and very fair hair with light brown freckles spread among her cheeks.

Lucas on the other hand, had very tan skin and curly brown hair. His eyes were forest green which popped among his other features. He had plump pinkish lips which Raphael would love to try out even though Lucas was a couple years older than him.

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