"So, why do you want me here?"I asked, my hands clasped in my lap.
Agent King held up his hands and watched the door."I'll tell you in just one minute..."He trailed off.
I leaned back on two of the chair legs, scowling. I saw footsteps appear under the door. The handle twisted. A familiar face walked in, and my eyes narrowed in irritation.
Jack Chance poked his head in then followed through."You wanted to see me, Mr.King...oh."
We both spoke at the same time. I said,"What is he doing here?" I didn't catch completely what Chance said, but from the small snippets in between my own words I'm guessing it was something like,"Why is she here?"
King patted Chance on the shoulder, ushering him in. Yet he slipped outside the room, standing in the doorway. "You two need to learn to work together,"King announced." And you've given me no other choice."
Myself and Chance both protested, yelling at King about our disagreements. He gave us a few moments of uninterrupted speech before he butted in. I knew he hadn't listened to a word."Shut up, both of you. You're acting like a bunch of children,"He had one hand on the doorframe, the other on the handle."You both will have access to my computer. I will be watching from the control room, observing through the security cameras. I will let you out when you stopping jabbering insults and actually get somewhere in your work."
By this time, we were both up and running to the door. Unfortunately, we had both been on the other side of the room, so we were trying to navigate around the furniture. With a final,"Good luck," King shut the door, just as we reached it. I pressed my palms to the surface, feeling and hearing the click of the lock.
I slowly walked over and slumped back into my chair. Jack ran his hand through his messy blonde hair. It made my heart pound inside my chest."Son of a bitch,"Chance mumbled, probably not thinking it was audible.
I squeezed my fingers around the armrests. I stared at the floor, not wanting to look at him. I told him,"Listen, if you don't be an asshole, I won't either. So, if we want to get out of here quick, then don't be a bastard. If you can manage it."
He didn't respond, only flicked his eyes at me. He was pacing the room. I was tapping my foot in a pattern against the floor. We didn't talk, just not looking at each other in the awkward silence. I wrung my hands together. His pacing was getting annoying. I rolled my eyes toward the ceiling."Get your shit together, man. We need to work on this mission, neither of us have gotten anywhere."
This time he paid me more attention, stopping to glance at me. His fingers looked stuck to the top of his head. "Alright."
I moved chairs, shifting to the other side of the desk where the desk chair was. Chance came and stood behind me, leaning over with his hands gripping the armrests. I glanced at them, then pushed backwards with my feet so that I moved forwards in the chair with wheels. I made Jack lose his balance and come stand by my side, watching the computer screen.
"Have you really worked on this mission yet?" I asked him.
"No,"He mumbled.
"Great,"I pulled up the information, and Jack leaned over, studying it for the first time. My eyes watched him closely."It's a real bitch, isn't it?"
He nodded his head. This is what the list consisted of: Alfred Hixon, Esebella Garcia, Ethan Faucet, Tia Ramierez, Michael Scott, Ezio Capalla, Andrea Potts, Teresa Bane, Thomas Owens, Helena Bowe, Eddie Framer, Manny Woodley, Ashton Goods, Yonez Su, Oscar Willies, Ronna Romone, Sophia De Cleur, Gregory Watson, Alexis Soft, Larry Buck, Austin Williams, and now Ron Ida.
Hành độngFor Cole, life has never been easy. When she was 16, she arrested for robbing a highly-protected bank. By herself. Weeks later, with no family to return to, she was freed for only one circumstance, to be recruited by G.O.E.S.(Group Of Elite Spies) A...