Truth Tower

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Scarlett POV

"Did you like my speech?" I asked Callum as we lay on a day bed together

"Yeah I loved it" He grinned "It's nice to finally be in a romantic couple with a girl as beautiful as yourself"

"Thank you" I blushed "I feel the same"

"Are you alright with sharing a bed tonight?" He asked

"Yeah of course" I shrugged "I don't mind as long as you don't try anything"

"I won't" he laughed and met my eyes "Give me a kiss"

I rolled my eyes but grinned and leaned forward to give him a light kiss "I'm tired now, let's head inside" He took my hand and we headed inside, where I went upstairs to change with the other girls. I put on a jumper and a pair of shorts before getting ready for bed and going back downstairs

"You look cute in those" He grinned when I got in next to him

"Shut up" I laughed and rested my head on his chest, while he wrapped his arms around me and we dozed off

The next morning I gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs and changing into my bikini for the day

The next morning I gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs and changing into my bikini for the day

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As we went outside, we saw that each couple had a little breakfast date set out for them

Callum and I walked over to our table and he pulled out my chair for me "M'lady" He winked

"Thank you" I giggled and he sat opposite me "This is so cute"

"Absolutely" He agreed and raised his drink "Cheers"

"Cheers" I clinked our glasses "To finally being in a couple"

"Are you looking forward to today?" He asked 

"Yeah" I nodded "It's nice to know that I'm now in a real couple, and this isn't just a thing between friends because I do like you and I want to get to know you better"

"Same" He winked "So you're a professional dancer right?" I nodded again "How long have you been doing that for?"

"Well, I started dancing when I was 5, won my first competition at 7, and then when I was 15 I started training in ballroom, and I had been doing gymnastics on the side so I was very flexible, but I got a professional contract when I was 19, so 3 years now" I explained

"Wow" He shook his head "That's a lot of training"

"Absolutely, I think I spend around 40-50 hours in a dance studio per week, but it's rewarding when I get to see people cheering and clapping after"

"That's amazing" He smiled "Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah" I nodded "An older brother Joe, and older sister Zoe"

After breakfast, I did some laps of the pool with Amy before joining Amber in sunbathing on the sun loungers and chatting about our lives outside of the Villa

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