Twitter revelations

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Olivia POV

The next morning I woke up early so I made myself breakfast before heading upstairs to change

The next morning I woke up early so I made myself breakfast before heading upstairs to change

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"God I hate waking up" I groaned and lay my head on Jordan's arm

"You're not a morning person are you?" He joked and I rolled my eyes

"Mornin' gorgeous" Anton winked at me "You ready to work out?" He threw me my shorts and I glared at him but put them on anyway

"Do we have to?" I whined

"Come on" He laughed and picked me up to carry me down to the gym. After around an hour, I noticed the boys were all looking across the pool and saw that Lucie and Arabella were doing yoga

I rolled my eyes and finished with my chin ups before standing up

"Jeez" Tom whispered

"Watching them is getting me in the danger zone" Jordan laughed

"It better not be" I glared and he winked at me

Olivia: Jordan can look at them all he wants but in the past, I have had the problem of not trusting boyfriends so I don't appreciate it when he makes comments like that

"Got a text!" Molly shouted, "Islanders, It's time to find out what the public really think in today's challenge #breaktheinternet #buzzing"

"I feel sick" I laughed and we all put on our shoes to run down to the challenge site. Each couple had a buzzer and Lucie would read out a tweet with words blacked out so we had to guess them

"1. I honestly feel like Tom is ______ for Maura... it just doesn't seem natural"


"2. What ____ said about Molly playing a game was bang on"


"3. I did really like ____ but not so much now. Not sure she's genuinely into _____"

"Amber and Michael"

"4. I actually see no _____ ______ between Amy and Curtis"

"Genuine connection"

"5. If _____ really liked _____ she would have left

"Joe and Lucie?" Maura guessed

"Wrong" Lucie peeled off the tape to reveal the tweet "If Olivia really liked Callum she would have left"

"6. _______ and _____ are meant to be. Look at them!"

"Tommy and Lucie"

"7. Arabella _____ ______ Danny at the next chance she gets"

"Will ditch"

"8. _____ is just trying to stay in the villa by settling with ______"

"Amy and Curtis?" Arabella guessed


"Jordan and Olivia?" Amber said

"Correct" Lucie peeled it off "Jordan is just trying to stay in the villa by settling with Olivia"

"9. _____ is buff, Michael is ______ by Amber and _____ is the perfect man"

"Arabella, whipped, and Curtis"

"10. Feel sorry for ____ he deserves so much better. _____ always makes him feels like he's in the wrong when really its the other way around"

"Curtis and Amy"

"11. Nah _____ deserves more than ______ she doesn't like him, she likes 50K"

"Tommy and Molly-Mae"

After the challenge, Jordan and I won so we all ran back up to the villa

I avoided everyone and went to sit on the roof terrace alone, I can't believe people thought I didn't like Callum, I really did

Jordan POV

"How are you feeling, mate?" Tommy asked me "I know Liv's upset"

"She's pissed about the one saying she didn't like Callum" I explained "I'll give her space for now but when she's ready we'll talk"

"Good" He nodded

Olivia POV

That evening I changed with Maura to try and avoid everyone else

That evening I changed with Maura to try and avoid everyone else

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"Hey," Jordan approached me "You okay?"

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"Hey," Jordan approached me "You okay?"

"No" I shook my head "I'm fucking fuming"

"Come on" He took my hand and led me over to the fire pit

"I'm just fucking sick of this, it's bullshit. Like the fact that the public is talking shit about us, and now they're saying I didn't like Callum is rubbish"

"Would you have left with him?"

"I thought about it, I nearly did, but I know Callum and I know that he would want me to have another chance since he didn't get one"

"I get that" He assured me "Do you want space?"

"Yeah" I nodded "Thank you" I kissed him lightly before I got up and walked inside on my own


Next Time...

"I am sorry about how I acted"


"I know it was wrong but I don't regret it"


"Babe, he doesn't deserve you"

"You're a fucking prick!"


"Why the fuck is she here?"


"Two of you will be going home tonight"

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