Without him

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Olivia POV

Anton kept holding onto me as he slowly led me upstairs and onto the roof terrace. My tears wouldn't stop rolling down and I felt like I was about to collapse

"I've got you" he whispered comfortingly and sat down with me curled up in his lap "It's okay Liv, it's okay"

"It isn't" I sobbed "He's gone"

"You aren't alone" Anton tucked my hair behind my ear "I'm not leaving you"

"I'm pissed because we are compatible and all the girls picked us because they're bitches who don't like me"

Anton POV

It broke my heart to see Liv so upset, and I knew she was right, they were only picked because of the other girls.

Anton: Liv is my closest friend in here and I love her to bits, so seeing her upset had me on the verge of tears, and I don't know how she's gonna come back from this

Olivia POV

"Anton" I choked "Will you stay outside with me?"

"Of course" he nodded "I'll do anything for you"

"God, I love you" I smiled and tucked my head into the crook of his neck

"Do you want to go outside?" He asked

"No, I don't want to see anyone" I shook my head

"Alright" he nodded and kissed my forehead "I've always got you"

"I know," I said "I want to go to bed"

"Then we will" He picked me up and sat me down in the dressing room "I'll wait downstairs" I got changed away from all the other girls and threw my hair in a messy ponytail, I then washed my face and headed downstairs through the bedroom

"Thank you" I smiled and hugged Anton

"Come on" He gently led me outside and onto one of the day beds, I got under the duvet and he got in next to me "Will you be okay?"

"I don't know" I sniffed "But please don't leave me"

"I never would" He smiled and kissed my hair, we lay next to each other as we tried to sleep

"Anton" I whispered, "Can you cuddle me?"

"Come here" Anton opened his arms and I lay my head on his chest while his arms wrapped around me and I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat

The next morning I woke up after Anton and we headed inside, once again I changed in silence and avoided all the girls

Anton passed me a cup of tea which I drank silently and then threw on a pair of shorts to then follow him and Danny down to the gym

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Anton passed me a cup of tea which I drank silently and then threw on a pair of shorts to then follow him and Danny down to the gym

"How are you feeling?" Danny asked after an hour

"Shit" I replied "Nothing seems fun or interesting anymore, like normally I could sit and chat to Lucie, Molly, and Maura for hours but now I can't think of anything worse"

"It'll get better, I promise" he comforted me

"When?" I threw my hands up "Because all day he's been on my mind"

"Liv" Anton placed a hand on my shoulder "Calm down"

"Sorry" I sighed and rested my head on his chest. The rest of the day passed quickly since I only hung around Anton instead of any of the girls

That evening I chatted to Jordan "So now that Callum's gone I wanted to see how you were doing"

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That evening I chatted to Jordan "So now that Callum's gone I wanted to see how you were doing"

"Well" I sighed "I feel like shit, but I know that I can't spend all my time moping and isolating myself so I am trying to be more social and smile but it just feels awful"

"I'm here for you" Jordan smiled and leaned over to hug me "You can always talk to me"

"Thank you," I said earnestly and we were interrupted by Amber getting a text saying that she and Michael were going out on a date, normally I would have run over to hug them or whatever, but tonight I just couldn't do it "I'll see you later" I smiled and got up to sit on my own once they were gone

Olivia: It's really difficult being here without Callum because he was my whole journey and I know that we weren't in a relationship but I still feel like shit, so I just want to have time to myself away from everyone to think

When Amber and Michael got back I gave them a smile from where I was sitting but made no move to get up and say anything

"Are you going to be okay?" It was Molly and Maura

"No" I sniffed "I don't feel like it"

"Babe" Maura sighed and hugged me "You can talk to us"

"I know" I smiled sadly "But I hate being here without him"

"Well, have you thought about going?"

"A bit" I shrugged

"And will you go?"

Olivia: I did think about leaving for Callum, but I know that he would want me to stay and try to put myself out there again to see if there is someone else for me. And if I leave to be with him, but our relationship doesn't work then I look like an idiot for throwing away my second chance in here

"No" I replied "I can't"

"Liv!" Anton was coming over to us "You'll share with me tonight"

"Thank you" I smiled and went inside with Molly and Maura, we changed for bed and I got under the duvet with Anton 

"You want a cuddle?" He whispered in the dark

"Always" I grinned and cuddled with him the same way as the night before as we fell asleep


Next Time...

"There's a new girl!"


"She just doesn't like us"

"So there's nothing romantic between them?"

"Fuck, I thought they was into each other"


"The reason Callum's gone is that youse voted on friendships"


"Because I'm a slut?"


"You're both fucking pathetic,

"Find someone else to bitch about because this bitch doesn't care anymore"


"You're just jealous that I actually have a man!"

"And you call yourself a friend!"

"I was never your friend babe"

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