The tension rises

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Olivia POV

During each date, the other girls had all been fake laughing making comments to the couples below

After all of the dates, the boys were packing up so we thought it was time to head down and meet the new girls

I took a deep breath and went down to them "Hi babe" I smiled an gave the closest one a hug "I'm Olivia"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Maura" She smiled and moved onto the next one

"Hi, I'm Olivia"

"I'm Elma, babe" The girl smiled when she hugged me, then I went to find Callum who was waiting on the outskirts of the group

"Come on" Callum took me by the hand and led me over to the snug

"How was it?"I asked

"It was good, she's a lovely girl and we got along well" he nodded "But I just want to say that was youse were doing was really childish"

"What?" I asked, "What do you mean?"

"Like, fake laughing and making comments during each date, it was really pathetic, not gonna lie" He explained

"Babe, I didn't do anything, ask any of the girls, I didn't do shit" I said

"Well, you didn't stop them"

"Because I'm not their mother" I rolled my eyes "They can do what they want, it's their problem"

"You should have stopped them because think of how intimidating it is for the two new girls-"

"Hang on" I held up a hand "Are you seriously defending them instead of listening to me? I went inside babe, I sat in the dressing room and waited"

"I'm just saying that when you heard them doing it you should have said something"

"Are you joking?" I had wide eyes "I wanted to come over you and hear you say 'Oh it was good but I still like you' or 'It made me realise that I do like you' or 'My head hasn't been turned' I didn't want to be attacked for something I didn't do"

"Listen to me-"

"That's what I wish you did for me!" I snapped and clapped between each word of my next sentence "I. Didn't. Do. Shit. You're. Just. Being. A. Prick"


"No" I shook my head "Not now" I got up and went inside to find Lucie who was sitting on the sofa with Joe

"What's wrong?" Joe asked when he saw my watery eyes, I didn't answer but sat down between them as Joe pulled me into a hug and Lucie rubbed my arm

"Callum" I sniffed "He's pissed about the laughter and comments, but I didn't do any of it, now he's defending the new girl over me"

"It's okay" Joe whispered while I cried

"I'll go talk to him" Lucie kissed me on the head before running outside to find Callum. Joe rubbed my back soothingly while I cried

"He has no right to be pissed, you did nothing wrong, it's his fault" Joe whispered "I hate seeing you upset, you're my best mate"

"Thank you" I sniffed

"Anytime" He assured me and we waited until Lucie came back, she immediately pulled me into a hug

"Babe, you just need to sleep on this, it'll get better tomorrow, I promise" She whispered

"I'm going to stay outside" I sniffed

"Do you mind if I stay with her?" Lucie asked Joe and he shook his head

"Of course not, I'll go in the bed next to you guys" He grinned and the three of us shared a hug

"Liv!" Anton came running in, he saw my face and immediately hugged me tight "It's okay"

Olivia: I am pissed that Callum has accused me of something I didn't do, he didn't listen to me and he defended Maura and Elma over me, but I am incredibly glad to have Lucie, Anton and Joe in my life because I wouldn't survive without them, they are my best friends in here and I love them so much

I went upstairs to change with the other girls who all shot me comforting smiles, even Amy. But when I was done Lucie grabbed my hand and we followed Joe outside

I saw Molly sniffing on her bed so I ran over to her and she explained what had happened with Tommy "Come with us" I urged her and she nodded to get up and follow us

"Wait, Olivia," Callum said as we walked to the door

"I'll speak to you tomorrow" I waved my hand vaguely and went outdoors towards the day beds

Lucie, Molly and I all climbed into one while Joe slept in the one next to us

"Goodnight" Joe hugged Molly before turning to me "Goodnight, it'll get better" He kissed my forehead and then turned to kiss Lucie twice. After we had all bid goodnight to each other, us 3 girls cuddled up together and fell asleep


Next Time...

"I am so sorry about that because I really want this to work and I hate fighting with you"


"You know the other girls don't like us?"


"Why do I feel like shit's going to be kicking off soon?"


"Did you hear that Maura tried to kiss Tommy last night?"

"Oh shit"

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