It all kicks off

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Olivia POV

After the islanders who hadn't been picked had left, we all went around meeting each other but I headed straight over to Anton

"You're back!" he cheered and swung me around "I missed you"

"I missed you too" I smiled up at him until a blonde girl approached us

"Hi, I'm Belle" She smiled

"Nice to meet you, I'm Olivia" I hugged her

"And I'm Jourdan" The other girl smiled

"Nice to meet you. Who are youse coupled up with?"

"Anton" Belle answered

"Danny" Jourdan said

"Good for you, babe" I saw the girl Michael was with start to come over so I dodged her and walked away with Molly

"How fucking rude" I heard Michael mutter so I stopped dead

"Babe, you better bloody pipe down" I warned him

"Well, it's true, isn't it. You won't even speak to the girl I'm coupled up with" he shook his head "That's just rude"

"Why do I need to?" I shrugged "She's not gonna be my friend"

"You don't know that-"

"Oh, I fucking do" I glared "And I don't give a shit if she chats shit about me, her opinion's irrelevant anyway"

"You're so fucking rude!" He snapped

"And you're a fucking prick!" I shouted "How can you stand here and claim that I'm rude when you've just done that to Amber! What the fuck is wrong with you! I was right about you from the start, you're nothing but a fuckboy and a liar!"

"I am not a liar!"

"Everything you said to Amber was bullshit!" I shouted, "I don't know what you've said to this new bitch, but I can bet you that it was all bullshit as well, that's who you are!"

"You're being childish!" He cried and began to storm away "A childish bitch!

"Don't you dare call me childish!" I pointed at him

"I'll do what I fucking want!" He shouted

"Yeah, we can tell!" I snapped and walked past him "Remember this mate because Karma's a bitch!"

I stormed inside and headed up to the dressing room with Lucie

"You okay?" She rubbed my back

"I'm sick of Michael" I whispered "I wish we were still in Casa Amor"

"Me too" she sighed "I forgot how rude our boys are"

"Our boys" I emphasised and smirked "Let's clear their shit out" I moved all the new girl's stuff out the way and replaced it with all of the original girls' stuff

"What are you going to do?" She asked me

"Speak to someone" I shrugged

"Jordan?" She asked

"Maybe" I blushed

"Are you going to tell him?" She raised an eyebrow but I just blushed again "You are!" She hugged me "Good luck babe"

"I'll see you later" I smiled and walked outside again, I saw Jordan sitting alone by the firepit so I went to sit with him

"Hello" He opened his arms to give me a hug "I missed you"

"I missed you too" I smiled and sat with him "Are you okay?"

"Yeah" He grinned and pulled me into his lap "I'm just really happy to see you"

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