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I woke up in shock and with a slight happiness. It's really unbelievable. I don't mention it much, but it's true that I always had the same nightmare. The one in which abba's words roams around louder and louder, in which I start scratching my face, even if blood rushes through my cheeks, I did it until I'm covered with deep scars. Well, I did it just for once that night on my birthday ,that was the first time I did that. It became a trauma for me afterwards. But I never repeated again, still the nightmare never leaves me. It seems like, it keeps telling me to do that again. As I did it years ago, it seemed to heal a bit. But I also never took medications or consulted any doctor, so that the scars remain the same. I can't break the stupid promise I did years ago to my Abba. I also can't get rid of those nightmares, which keeps haunting me.If those nightmares ever stop haunting me again, I'll think that my father forgave me for my sins, which I think I haven't done intentionally. But... It's true that for me, my mom... Isn't with me anymore and for that my father isn't with me, too. Still..I have my grandma. I'm too unfortunate that my grandpa left me too. I'll do anything to be with my grandma, she've to be with me forever. I can die for her or maybe I can kill someone, Just For Her!

But last night... I saw a 'Dream' instead of the same nightmare. What actually happened last night? Why is the change for? I saw my childhood, with my Amma... Playing together and laughing. I miss her every minute, every second. But I, never showed and never will show my pain to others. I must be strong. Well... I'm happy today that I finally had a dream. I don't know why it happened,but thank you God for at least a stressless night.

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"Are you guys ready to enjoy the scenic views in Switzerland?" Jimin asked and we all said yes in unison except Suga who just nodded

"I'll be the guide for today, uh.. Yoongi hyung, I need your help too" Jimin said

"*sigh I know, don't forget anything, anywhere. I'll collect the money" Suga said

He collected all the money we brought for viewing places. If the money lefts, he'll equally distribute it. Yes, we planned it from the beginning. He haven't took Jin's money, as he already spent his money the most for all of us.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Right now, we're in Schilthorn. I heared,its an amazing view in Switzerland with some 007 charm.

"Jimin! It's so nice" Misaki said

"Thanks" Jimin blushed, but stopped when Jungkook glared at him

We accessed the lift from the mountain base town of Stechelberg.

"Thank you all for making us join your trip here" I said

"It's nothing" Jimin blushed again

"You're a part of us, now" J-hope said

"Yes, maybe your friend is gonna marry someone of us" V said and Jungkook looked furious

"Misaki-ssi is gonna marry someone of us?" Jin asked, having no idea

"who knows?" V said

We rode the Schilthorn cable to Mürren, then up to Birg with our final destination being Schilthorn at almost 3,000m. Total time spent on the cable cars is just over 40 minutes, but allow up to 60 minutes with transfers. Ticket prices start at 105 euros for adults.

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