Prologue | Identity Seek

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Greacugon is a place where people are extraordinary.

Worthwood Academy is the school where it all started. This institution teaches the people of Greacugon to practice and master their Imaclum. They needed to know their capacity towards using their Imaclum; knowing the limits and its power.


Headmaster: Magnus Axejor Leufred Clayhanger

(Council of Greacugon, Supreme OIC of Sorcery Dept., Eloquii Mystici)

Ms. Nathalia Delacroix,

We are pleased to inform you, that you have been accepted at Worthwood Academy.

You can have the privilege to practice and learn more about your Imaclum and such. This letter proves that you are one of the legit students of the institution. Pack your belongings-only the important ones. See to it that you have agreed and ready to face whatever we offer you.

The term begins on September 4. Be there at Sleekhedo, at exact 12 noon. Late students will not be assisted anymore... We await your reply by no later than the last day of August.

Your necessary things will be sent to you right after we receive your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Magnus Axejor Leufred Clayhanger


Once you have received this, then you're in. There is no more turning back. In this school, there is only one rule you must abide... Don't get caught.

Trust yourself that you can survive from any obstacles life has to offer. You can only rely and trust yourself better than anyone else-it's you who can only save yourself from any harm. No one will stay true, so it is better not to invest care too much to lessen the pain if anything goes wrong.

Worthwood Academy only awaits you to discover the real meaning of magic.

Remember, "There is another heartbeat in the darkness."

Worthwood AcademyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon