Eye of the storm | 17

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"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about

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"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."

- Oscar Wilde

"IT'S BEEN three days." Iris groaned to Ember as they rested inside the tent before lunch. Iris had just had yet another session with Levi, who was acting as if they were strangers. He wasn't hostile or rude, but that was the worst part. At least being angry showed that he cared. Clearly, he didn't anymore.

Ember ran a brush through her dark, glossy hair and winced when she reached a knot. "He's probably just pissed off. I mean, his own brother literally ghosted him not that long ago."

"I guess." Iris sighed, putting on a pair of fluffy socks and stuffing her feet into her shoes. As annoying as Levi was, him being in a mood meant that Camp Juvy was as boring as ever. Albeit she had Ember, but Ember was busy trying to make things work with Chase; they had agreed to give it another go, and to avoid as many arguments as possible. Iris doubted how long it would last – they truly were better separate.

The two girls headed outside the tent and began walking towards the lunch area. It was beginning to feel monotonous now. Every day was the same at Camp Juvy: wake up, assembly, breakfast, activity, break, activity, lunch, activity, dinner, bed, repeat.


Iris and Ember reached the back of the queue for their lunch and waited, stomachs rumbling. Ember's piercing eyes scanned the room and found Chase, waving.

Then her expression warped into a slow grimace as soon as she saw who he was sitting next to.

"No." Iris said, following the series of events. "Please, Ember. I just want one break where I don't have to see his pissed off face."

Ember stared at her, long and hard. She seemed to have a way of persuading people. Or, rather, forcing them to do what she wanted. "I did feel sorry for you, but right now I don't, sorry. You're going to have to face him outside of activities eventually. Maybe he'll be different around Chase."

But he wasn't – in the slightest.

As Iris and Ember sat down, Levi's eyes hardened; his fingers sinking into his sandwich. It would have been comical had Iris not felt so awkward.

Chase acknowledged the situation and tried to make things better. "You know, once," He said, laughing inelegantly, "I ate a whole banana. Like, with the skin."

All gazes migrated to Chase; each with dull expressions.

Chase's smile slid away. "What? Isn't that funny?"

Just as Ember opened her mouth to make a remark, the not-so eager conversation was interrupted by an unwanted Wrench, who sat down next to Levi and opposite Iris. Each person sitting at the table had a different reaction: Chase's face screwed up in disgust; turning away as if by impulse, Iris groaned loudly, Ember's lips quirked into a short, secret smile before it dissolved, and Levi looked as if he were about to commit murder.

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