One of a kind | 24

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"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large – I contain multitudes

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"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large – I contain multitudes."

- Walt Whitman 

EMBER HAD changed ever since Chase left. In the days following his departure, she gradually morphed into a girl who seemed less defiant and more independent. Her mannerisms remained mostly similar, albeit for a decrease in impertinent under-her-breath swearing, but the language of her body – open, no longer caved and hostile, seemed to suggest a more positive change, one that could benefit her entirely.

Iris and Ember hadn't fully spoken to one another for a while. There had been no obvious falling out, no argument or even an explicit disagreement of sorts; at least, not one that acknowledged the loss of their friendship. Rather, it was as if they had grown out of touch, living and breathing in the confined space of their tent every morning and night, remaining in a constant state of awkwardness and discomfort. 

The nights were the worst, admittedly. At least when they woke up they could leave as soon as possible, once again free in the open air to distance themselves. When lying in bed, subconsciously competing against each other to fall asleep the quickest, they were forced to listen to nothing else but the sounds of one another – every turn in their beds, every adjustment of their blankets, every itch and every sniff. Iris would have preferred it if they really did fall out. At least having a fight would mean they had reasoning for the strange unease around each other.

Sure, Iris was angry at Ember for kissing Wrench – but she couldn't dictate what Ember chose to do, and although Chase was also her friend, as an outsider she did not know the true nature of their undeniably complex relationship.

So it was therefore a shock when Iris walked into her tent to find Ember sat there, smiling at her in a warming gesture that seemed wholeheartedly genuine.

"Hi." Ember said. She watched Iris freeze, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she laughed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you or anything."

Iris nodded slowly. "Okay."

"Look, I know we haven't been close recently." Ember stated. She threaded her fingers together on her lap as if proposing some sort of business plan, resting them on one knee in a pose that seemed oddly oppositional to the Ember she used to be.

"Yeah." Iris agreed. No shit sherlock.

Ember continued, seemingly unaware of Iris' blatant irritation. "But seeing you with Levi, it made me realise that there's literally no point in arguing, you know?"

"We're not arguing."

"Well yes, we're not, but you know what I mean." She grinned. "We're just...well it's awkward. You can agree with me there."

"I guess."

"I just feel like things are finally getting good, but I have nobody to share it with. And you're looking happy too. Right? You're happy?"

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