Night swimming | 29

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"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you

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"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever."

- Alfred Tennyson

AFTER LUNCH everyone headed outside to play a game of football. Obviously it was going to be English style, as Iris had no idea how to play the American version at all. Fred and Daphne stayed to cleared the table up, and, though the others had offered, they thanked declined profusely – claiming that they would much rather the younger boys would actually go outside for once.

"Okay, Ember and Sammie you come with me," Levi shouted, gathering his team together. "Iris, Wrench and Ethan you're together."

When the younger boys weren't looking, Iris flipped Levi off, knowing that he deliberately put Wrench in a team with her so that the two enemies couldn't use foul play against each other in the game. Levi, smirking at her rude gesture, blew her a kiss and winked, putting his arm over Sammie's shoulder and crouching down to his level.

Wrench didn't seem to care that he and Iris were in a team together. "Right, tactics. We need to know their weak spots."

"Ember is pretty slow." Iris stated, glancing at her old roommate, who was speaking in a hushed tone with animated hand movements. "She's strong, sure, but if you're trying to outrun her it's pretty easy."

Ethan nodded. "Sammie cries easy. I could poke his arm and he'll be out of the game."

Wrench laughed, but shook his head at the suggestion. "I like the way you're thinking, but that would be pretty mean. What about Levi?"

"Levi likes you." Ethan said, staring at Iris. His freckled face tilted to the left like a puppy. "He always wants to be close to you all the time. Why don't you distract him?"

"Great idea man." Wrench gave him a thumbs up, seeming surprisingly gentle for such a violent guy.

Iris snorted. "How the hell do I do that?"

Shrugging, Ethan began stretching his legs. "Show him your boobs."

"No, don't do that." Wrench was finding the situation all-too-hilarious, much to Iris' dismay. "I don't want to see that. Just, play around with him, I don't know. He's going to be our biggest competition, so if you can try and get him out of the firing line then we have a good shot at Winning."

Once both teams had finished conversing, Levi clapped his hands together to signal the start of the game. It was clearly going to be messy, as nobody had placed down any rules, and both of the older boys seemed to have their competitive faces screwed tightly on.

Iris and Levi both ran at each end with high speed; the fastest in each team, trying to get the ball that they had placed in the centre. Levi kicked it out of the way before she could reach it, and by response Iris groaned in annoyance.

Now Ember had the ball, dribbling it between her feet towards the goal that Ethan was protecting. Levi, now free, was trying to get her attention, but Iris darted in Ember's line of sight and began waving her hands around madly.

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