Fixated | 19

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"Oh my god, I am a banana

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"Oh my god, I am a banana." 

- John Green

"I'M TELLING you that humans are 50 percent banana." Chase was saying as he held up a banana in front of him, eyeing it suspiciously. "Seriously. Like, if you were to dissolve us into two parts, one whole part of it could be made into a banana."

Levi laughed, choking on his dinner. "You're an idiot Chase. You're getting it confused."

"No, I'm not." Chase frowned. "I found it online."

"Humans share 50 percent of their DNA with a banana. That doesn't mean we are actually 50 percent banana."

Chase hesitated for a minute, taking in Levi's revelation. Then he scowled, groaned, and peeled his banana, taking a large bite out of it angrily. "Well just because the tooth fairy "doesn't exist" doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

Ember rolled her eyes at him, diving her nose back into her book.

They were back at Camp Juvy, relaxing at the weekend after their field trip the day before. The weather was still hot, but it was beginning to get cooler as the day descended into night. Around the tables the campmates sat eating their dinner; Chase had strangely picked up a banana from the food buffet and nothing else. 

He really has some weird obsession with bananas, Iris thought, thinking about Chase's many stories. 

Banana-crazy or not, Chase was bored, clearly, after Ember had decided not to talk to him that day; they had an argument over Chase accidentally pushing Ember over into a pile of mud, consequently getting it in her hair.

Ember still had specs of crusted mud in her dark strands, but nobody could dare to tell her – she was in one of those moods of snapping at anyone who spoke to her, her mouth pulled into a scowl, body turned away from them as if in repulse.

She'll get over it, Chase mouthed, resting his chin on his hands exasperatedly.

After everyone had finished their food, the group decided to part their separate ways and head to their tents, Chase attempting to hug his girlfriend, who shoulder-shoved him whilst carrying on reading at the same time. Levi blew a kiss to Iris, who pretended to ignore it, before he smirked, shaking his head.

"I'm done." Ember said as soon as the boys were out of earshot, slamming her book together, her piercing eyes flashing.

Iris sighed. "You literally said that the other day."

"I'm sick of him. It's like me trying to get myself to like parmesan cheese even though it tastes like vomit. Yeah, it's cheese, and some cheese can go well with stuff, but this particular cheese – nope. I'm done. Capiche."

Iris stifled a laugh, unsure of how much of a joking matter this really was to Ember. Yes, she was strangely using a metaphor about food to describe her relationship, but she equally seemed distant; hurt, almost. After all, Ember was certainly not the type of person to talk about her feelings – unless they were filled with hate. Occasionally she did project some love towards Chase, but that wasn't very often at all.

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