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--Maya and Andy's house--

"You okay?" Maya asked as I walked out of the bathroom

"I'm good, I don't know what's gotten into me"

"Are you sure you've thrown up every morning this week, could you be pregnant?" Maya Asked

"I mean I don't think so, the last time was with Ripley"

"if you want me to, I can pick you up a test on the way home from work and you can take it tonight" Maya added

I don't know what I am going to do if I'm pregnant. A lot of people at the other stations don't approve of me and Ripley, even though he's gone a lot of people dislike me for our relationship. If I were pregnant and it looked like him, I don't know it would just be really hard.

"Maya you ready to go," I asked

"yah, one sec let me grab Andy" she answered

"hey if you want to tell her, you can" I added

"Okay," she said as she walked away

--the station--

I walked into the station just like any other day trying to forget about my possible pregnancy. As I walked up the stairs to go to the beanery Andy ran over to me. She told me that Maya told and she would be there to help me if I needed it. I wasn't worried about her being there for me or really anyone at our station, I was more worried about the other stations.

After line up, we got called to assist station 23 on a call. When we got there Me, Andy, and Maya were sent to the top of the building to help two firefighters injured in an explosion. When we found the first one he was awake but with a Severe penetrating trauma.

"Hey I'm Andy this is Maya, And Vic we are gonna help get you down-" before Andy could finish the guy cut her off

"Vic as in Hughes, the one screwing chief Ripley"

Andy turned to me to see tears rolling down my face. She and Maya walked closer to me.

"Maya and Vic you go find the other person I will take him downstairs"

Me and Maya continue our search for the other person as we could clearly hear Andy arguing with the guy. As we got further away we began to hear the gut-wrenching sound of a past device. When we got to the firefighter she was awake but stuck under some rubble and unable to move.

"I'm Vic and this is Maya we found your partner and we gonna you out"

"I'm Lilly," she said looking up at my face still covered in tears and then said

"Oh my gosh he said something, look my partner is an ass he likes drama, ignore whatever he said"

What she said made me feel a little better but it just reminded me how many people hate me now.

—Andy And Maya's house—

After the shift was over I met Maya and Andy at their place. Just as Maya said, she had picked up a pregnancy test for me.

"You don't have to do it right now, I know today was hard,"  Andy said

"Nope, I should know" I added

I took the test and waited the amount of time the box said. When the time was up I flipped it over revealing a "Positive".

When I looked down at the stick my heart sunk. I never thought I would be able to forget or move on from Lucas, but a child would only ensure that.

Dear Lucas,

Today I learned that I am pregnant. I'm scared but also happy because then a piece of you will always be with me, but what if I mess it all up.
I really miss you love, Eggy

Dear, LucasWhere stories live. Discover now