I dont think I can do this

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*for those who watch Grey's I wrote this assuming Arizona never left Seattle*

-- 2 weeks later--

"I'm heading out guys, see you later" I call out as I walked out of the Beanery

"Let us know how it goes' Trav called back

"I will," I said as I walked to the stairs

Before I left I peeked my head in Sullivan's office,

"I'm heading to my appointment I should be back in an hour or two"

"Ok, see you in a bit," Sullivan said in his awkward friendly voice

I drove the three block to Grey-Sloan. I parked and walked to the OB floor. I signed in a took seat. After a few minutes, a nurse called me back, after doing all the normal things they do at the beginning of an appointment she said

"the doctor will be in, in a moment"

A few minutes later a tall, scrawny, and very young looking doctor walked in.

"aren't you a little young to be a doctor?" I asked meaning no offense

"I am fully qualified" he politely responded

"Okay, do your thing" I joked

He proceeded to put the cold jelly on my stomach and started to move the wand around. I could hear the heartbeat as it echoed. I thought it sounded normal but the doctor's face went blank.

"I'm um, ah, I'm an intern so I'm just gonna get a doctor with more experience" he stumbled over his words

I started freaking out once he left the room. I thought I had messed something up, and now maby the babie was gonna be really sick or worse die.

I text Trav " think something wrong" but before I could press send a new doctor walked in with the intern following close behind. I tried to dry my tears before she could notice, but I could tell she saw them.

"Hey," she said comfortingly "I'm Dr.Robbins, him, he's an intern basically until proven otherwise interns know nothing, we keep them around because there supposedly the future of medicine, I'm not seeing it" she joked

"we've got Rookies and their the exact same way" I laughed

"well let take look at your baby and see how they are doing," she said

As she moved the wand around I could hear the echoing heartbeat again, and I started to Panic again

"what wrong with it," I asked

"nothing," she said "the echoing sound is because there are two babies"

"what," I said not knowing what to think

"your having Twins" she replied

The rest of the visit was a blur, we set up an appointment for a month from now. once I got my car I called Travis.

"I can't do this"

*Vic, what happened, is the baby okay?*

"Yeah, I'm just all over the place"

*, tell me what happened*

"I'm pregnant with twins"


"Yeah, um, I got to go I'm meeting Jen and the dinner to tell her I'll be back to the station in 30 minutes"

I walked into the dinner, my face still puffy from crying. Jenifer rushed to me after seeing my face,

"What happened is the baby okay," she asked frantically

"Yeah, well I guess babies," I said

"What?" She asked confused

"I'm pregnant with twins" I answered

We talked for a while before I had to go back to the station. I was getting used to the idea of twins.

When I got the station Trav ran out to me. I'm pretty sure he was waiting at the door. He ran up and hugged me,

"I get to be uncle Travis to two little ones," he said laughing

"Yes, the only problem is now I have to think of two names" I laughed

"I'll help, come on let's go tell everyone," he said

We walked into the station to find everyone one waiting for us just inside the door.

" aren't you supposed to be working" I joked

"Travis been lurking by the door for 20 minutes, we had to see what's up" Maya replied

"Well I guess I'll just say it, I having twins," I said

"Firefighter twins" Dean yelled

"What's this I hear," Sullivan said peaking his head out his office

Trav looked at me for approval, I nodded and Travis said "Vic's haven twins"

"Congrats," Sullivan said as he came to hug me.

I was getting used to all the hugs, even from Sullivan.

Dear, Lucas

So I had an appointment today, and I found out I'm having twins. I was just getting used to the idea of one baby. I'm gonna be okay though Trav is really excited to help along with all of 19. I told Jen she was really happy too. I've started thing about names, If it one boy and one girl, then I'm gonna name the boy after you. if it two boys I'm making Lucas their middle name. if it two girls then I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make this work.

I really miss you, love Eggy 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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