The News

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The beginning of this chapter is kinda jumpy, sorry. Also comment name ideas for first and middle names! 😊

It had almost a week since I took the pregnancy test.  Only Andy and Maya knew. I wanted to wait until I had gone to the doctor and knew for sure. After I got a positive on the pregnancy test last week, I set up a doctors appointment today. I wanted to go alone but Maya insisted she was coming. As annoying as she was, I was grateful for her support. Andy wanted to come but she was unable to get time off work.

-- After the doctors--

At the doctors, they did a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. Everything was one track. I set up another appointment for two weeks from now to do an 10-week ultrasound. 

Maya drove us to the station. We were only about an hour late, but Sullivan knew we were gonna be late so it wasn't a big deal.

"How am I supposed to tell everyone?" I asked casually

"you don't have to," Maya answered "I mean not right now at least"

"I am incredibly terrible at secrets, I've got to tell everyone I just don't know how" I added

"I can help you if you would like," Maya said

"I think I'm good, I'm just come right out and say it"  I finished

--At the station--

Maya and I continued with the conversation all the way to the station.  As Maya headed up the stairs to change into uniform, I knock on Sullivan's door.

Sullivan opened the door,

"Hughes, good to see you,

" Sullivan said,

"can I speak with you for a minute?" I asked

"sure come one in" he answered

"I um ah, this is not easy, I'm ah, I'm pregnant" I blurted "it Lucas's and ah anyway I just thought I should tell you, being that you're the captain, and I plan to work just like normal until I'm further along. Them at some point I'll probably request to be moved to aid car full time until its born if you okay with that"

"Hughes slow down, first I am absolutely okay with that. Secondly, I'm very happy for you" he said as he gave me a hug

Him hugging me was weird. I don't know what I expected him to react like but it just felt good knowing that I had his support too.

As I walked up the stairs to change I bumped into Maya,

"Hey, how'd it go with Sullivan?" Maya questioned

"good, ah he's good with it" I answered, "any chance you could gather everyone in the beanery?"

"yah sure, you tellen um now?" Maya answered

"yeah, might as well" I sighed

"Okay," she said

I quickly changed into my uniform. After a minute or two I was done. I walked out to the beanery to see the whole team waiting for me. As glanced around the room my mind flashed back to one of the times me and Lucas we here. It was just as everyone else was downstairs. it was the day we were training PD. we barely knew each other then, not as we did when he died. I was getting a drink from the fridge and he came over to me. he told me not to hold how Sullivan acted agest him, but honestly, I wasn't really thinking about the luke was saying. just the way he was looking at me it was like a way no one ever looked at me before. I knew right then that I loved him and that I was probably going to love him for the rest of my life.

I looked up leaving my thoughts to see everyone staring at me.

"I'm just gonna say this, cause it's big but I think I mean I hope you'll all support me" I stumbled in my words

"of course we will Vic, just say it," Travis said

"I'm pregnant" I blurted

I watch as everyone's faces went blank, Andy and Maya were answering everyone's mumbles. I started to walk away thinking that they thought I was crazy. Just them Trav ran over and hugged me, lifting my feet off the ground.

"I'm gonna be an uncle" he shouted

"yes, of course, you are Trav" I laughed

by the time he put me down, everyone was surrounding me and hugging us

"this baby is gonna have way more ants and until than any child I know" Dean joked

"its gonna be a fire baby" someone else joked

Dear Lucas,

Today I told the team, I was scared to tell them I thought they would think it was too much. No one knew how serious we were and a child is a lot. don't get me wrong I gonna love it  100%, it's just a child is something I saw for us in a couple of years. I always thought me and you would get married then we would go our honeymoon, maybe we would go to an island somewhere then a skiing trip. when we got back and settled in maybe we would talk about kids but it just gonna be so much harder without you. at least I have the team, Trav's excited to be an uncle and  Maya and Andy are gonna help, plus everyone else too. also Sullivan seemed excited for me. I'm really excited too, I wish you were here.

Love, Eggy

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