Chapter 22. The Strongest Team's Big Crisis [III]

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Author: Angelina

Translator: chiangyushien , Renkun27

Proofreader: KainGuru

Su Youyan:

Su Youyan was in the restroom, looking at herself through a clear mirror, with her fingertips touching her face that was covered with strands of hair. After a moment, she put on her glasses. A tall girl came into the restroom. She turned on the water faucet next to Su Youyan and washed her hands. After she had finished washing her hands, she shook the water off of her hands, and the water droplets splashed on Su Youyan’s face. Su Youyan, with an expressionless face, wanted to leave, but she was caught by the wrist: “Oh, you met an acquaintance, and yet, you don’t know how to make a sound. Do you have no mouth or what?”

Su Youyan still did not speak. The girl dragged Su Youyan against the wall: “Indeed, a dog can’t stop himself from eating shit [1]. Don’t you get along with Zhi Li pretty well? What happened now? I’d like to see what kind of man can make you open that golden mouth [2], Su Youyan.” The girl was the manager of the Taekwondo Club, Qiu Shui. Su Youyan just stared at Qiu Shui, with no fear whatsoever.

([1]「狗改不了吃屎」gǒugǎibùliǎochīshǐ – fig. bad habits are hard to change)

([2]「金口」jīnkǒu – taciturn or unwilling to talk)

“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s great to think that your dad is the headmaster, and you don’t want to think about what other people think of you. They say you’re a waste of your life, slut. You only rely on your dad’s connections to enter a good school. You make a lot of people jealous, because you don’t get bullied. All along, you never make a sound. Your old man probably doesn’t know how much his beloved daughter has suffered since childhood.”

Su Youyan pushed away Qiu Shui’s hands aiming to go outside, but Qiu Shui grabbed her hair and pulled her back: “This big miss is really rude. I haven’t finished talking.”

“Your beautiful long hair has never been tied up, be it winter or summer, just like a female ghost. It’s too bad, this beautiful face, let me see what’s under this hair?” Qiu Shui wanted to touch Su Youyan’s hair, but Su Youyan avoided her. She wrinkled her thin eyebrows tight. Qiu Shui lifted her leg and kneed Su Youyan in the stomach, and took the opportunity to part Su Youyan’s hair. On her snow-white face, between her left eye and her forehead, there was a pale-brown scar that was around 4-centimeter long. It was especially conspicuous. Su Youyan closed her eyes.

“Oh, I really want to let people know about this. It turns out the headmaster’s daughter is an ugly girl. No wonder she always hangs down her hair. She actually wanted to cover this thing up. Disgusting, what women cares about the most is the face. Zhi Li hasn’t seen this, right? If I’ll let him see this ugly you, you’d be afraid he’ll be scared because of it, right?” Qiu Shui took out her cellphone aiming to take a picture of Su Youyan’s face.

Su Youyan coldly stared at Qiu Shui: “Are you done?”

“You’re really no fun, pressing till the end to make me get lost.”

Su Youyan, from the beginning to the end, had no expression, then she calmly left the restroom.

Ke Bu :

It was very strange that Ke Bu was the only one in the canteen. He looked at the students inside and confirmed that the others did not come. The entire group had something to do today?? Usually, he resented that group of animals for being too noisy, but when there would not be any animals around, Ke Bu would feel a bit awkward. The oncoming man bumped into Ke Bu’s shoulder, and when Ke Bu looked back, the man was already gone. He shrugged and went to buy a nice meal, then he looked for a place to sit down.

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