Chapter 63. Side Story 3: At that Time, We were Very Young

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Author: Angelina

Translator: Let4, Renkun27

Proofreader: KainGuru

Junior high is a delicate age when everything begins to stir. It is when you begin to learn to be rebellious, begin to learn to be sentimental, start to envy the freedom of the grownups, and start to do regrettably foolish things. Ke Bu was a rather lazy fellow. He pushed everything to the last minute before he was willing to do it; whether it was doing the laundry or other things; even when it came to peeing, he would hold it in until he reached his limit before he would be willing to stand up.

It had been a month since he had been in contact with Zhi Li. As if nothing happened, his life still went on. He thought about it and still felt it was quite inconceivable. The precious pretty boy of the entire female population in school actually took the position of his lover. Ke Bu pushed the review materials aside. Bored to death, he leaned on the window. As boisterous voices could be heard incessantly from downstairs, Ke Bu's gaze fell on a pair, boy and girl. The childish boy was teasing the girl he liked by pulling her hair, making her chase after him angrily. At the age in which curiosity about love was high, everyone was eager to try something. Innocence could not withstand the test of time. Fantasy, desire, and strong attachment would gradually become more and more obscure. Those bygones would only stay in the past. Ke Bu had prematurely gotten rid of his naivety. He even despised the children around him who thought that the world was beautiful. This kind of contempt was mixed with envy and contradiction.

Ke Bu gazed further into the corner where a beautiful boy was sitting on a bench. He had fair skin and long eyelashes which flickered with every movement of his eyes. His delicate and attractive face was the epitome of beauty. The teen sat in the shade with his legs bent and a sketchbook on his lap. His face was expressionless, showing neither joy nor anger, unpredictable yet had great appeal. Even Ke Bu could not help but lament. He was clearly a boy but was more beautiful than any girl. Ke Bu could not envision what kind of a man would this Zhi Li blossom into in a few years. It was only now that he found out that Zhi Li likes to draw. It seemed as though he did not know Zhi Li at all: what he likes and what he does not like. Before he met Zhi Li, Ke Bu never knew that it was possible for two boys to be in a relationship. After encountering Zhi Li, he did not hate it and did not hate maintaining this nominal and weak relationship between the two of them.

He grabbed the review material on the table, aimed it toward Zhi Li's and the material fell down on Zhi Li's feet. Zhi Li did not even lift his eyes and continued to draw. Ke Bu pursed his lips and picked up another review material. When everything he did was ignored by Zhi Li, Ke Bu could not bear it any longer. "Hey, the one downstairs."

"I won't engage in an ill-mannered conversation," Zhi Li said indifferently,

This guy's character is worse than I imagined!!

"Zhi Li, lemme ask you a relatively important question."


"Do you still remember my name?" Strange, what's with this slight nervousness?

When Zhi Li finally looked up, Ke Bu's shadow fell upon his face and their eyes met. Ke Bu was leaning out of the window upstairs and Zhi Li was holding his sketchbook downstairs. He paused for a while. "Who are you?" He forgot? He really forgot. Don't tell me this guy's the naturally slow type from the legends? Was there an error in my initial judgement?

Ke Bu was somewhat angry. He grabbed another set of review material and threw it down. "I'm your long-lost father!!!"

Zhi Li sized Ke Bu up. "Is that so? But we don't look alike."

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