Chapter 44. Confirming These Feelings

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Author: Angelina

Translator: chiangyushien, Renkun27

Proofreader: KainGuru

“Hello Auntie,” Everyone respectfully greeted. In exchange, Lan Yin looked at them with disdain: “Am I that old to be called auntie?”

“No, you look as if you’re only a few years older than us,” Chu Haoyu kissed up to her.

“What ‘a few years older’? She’s obviously just about my younger sister’s age. My younger sister just entered junior high school this year.” Here came more kissing up from Zhang Luo.

“Call me Lan Yin.”

“But it doesn’t seem very good to call you by your first name like that.”

“I said, just call me Lan Yin.”

“Okay, okay.”

“There’s only one man in the world who can call me Yin.” Nobody asked you this question. Ke Bu suspected that the man must be Zhi Li’s father.

“Yin, go and change your clothes.”

It turned out that one particular man in the world was here!! Ke Bu uttered a reminder: “Isn’t it too rude to call her like that!” Zhi Li seemed to be puzzled by this matter, as if it was a matter of course to call her Yin.

Lan Yin waved her hand: “I’ve inculcated him to call me like this since he was young and I also don’t feel like it. If he called me Yin, others will think that there’s a young handsome guy who’s always following and pursuing me. If he called me mom, others will only think that I’m a woman with a child from my previous marriage.”

Ke Bu finally understood where Zhi Li got his character of having no common sense from. Lan Yin, this woman was not only very poisonous in her heart, but she was also ruthless in her words. Who would say that their own son was a child from their previous marriage? That would make her son sad.

“Then I, as the child from your previous marriage, will lessen the number of times that I’ll see you,” said the son who was not sad at all.

“I was just kidding. Every day when you’re not here, I wanted to die.”

“Then why are you still alive?”

Lan Yin sneered: “You’re really not cute. I really miss the son who always stayed around me when he was a kid.”

“I also miss that young woman.”

“I’m gonna change clothes!” Lan Yin left everyone downstairs and went upstairs by herself in rage. At first, Ke Bu thought that it was nearly impossible to find Lan Yin’s weakness, but obviously, her biggest weakness was Zhi Li.

Lan Yin looked like she did not hear what Ke Bu said. This made Ke Bu feel relieved; but in his heart, he always felt that there was something that smothered him up so he was unable to calm down. A moment ago, he admitted to Zhi Li’s mother about his relationship with Zhi Li. What would she think as the mother? Would she feel disgusted? Would she make Zhi Li and him break up? Lan Yin and Zhi Li were alike. Ke Bu could not see their real emotions. This made Ke Bu feel even more uneasy. He never thought that they would face the facts so quickly. There was a price to pay if two men would be together.

“You’re going to stay here tonight. I’ll help you clean up your room.” A middle-aged woman and man appeared at the door. It looked like they were the housemaid and the housekeeper. This voice reminded Ke Bu of the cursing voice when they broke the window’s glass earlier.

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