Chapter 25. His Excellency Zhi Li Arrived (II)

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Author: Angelina

Translator: chiangyushien , tend0u , Renkun27

Proofreader: KainGuru

Usagi notes: Behold, a new translator by the name of tend0u has invaded this Usagi’s kingdom! Lol Sorry for the late post. We hope you will enjoy this chapter. (^○^)

“Just because I’m willing to be bullied by others, it doesn’t mean I should fight back. Whatever you think of me, and how you treat me, it has nothing to do with me. But Zhi Li’s out of the question. Who dares to touch Zhi Li? That just won’t do. From the moment he asked me to follow him, he’s the only thing that I wanted to protect.” Su Youyan took off her glasses, and tied up her hair, revealing the scar on her face. Ke Bu was stunned. He felt even more distressed. He came to an awful realization of Youyan’s feelings for Zhi Li. Zhi Li’s emergence turned into Su Youyan’s beautiful epitome of survival in this world. Sometimes, Ke Bu thought Youyan was very simple, stubbornly guarding her own share of warmth.

Zhi Li measured Su Youyan’s face with his eyes: “Youyan, you’re getting prettier today.” Ke Bu rolled his eyes. This guy’s mouth was sometimes surprisingly sweet. In a way, he did not expect this actor’s lines. It was really an unwise move. For next month’s examination, he also hoped Youyan could steal some answer keys for himself! Ke Bu’s real nature was exposed.

Su Youyan smiled, and this was the first time Ke Bu saw Su Youyan smile. It was beautiful and splendid. Ke Bu suddenly realized that the pair of glasses in his hands had no lenses. “Youyan, you’re not near-sighted?”

“Zhi Li said that wearing glasses is a must for a secretary.”

“Why are you cooperating with his silliness?!”

Qiu Shui was a little bored. She covered her mouth with her hand as she yawned: “You talk about suddenly changing so much. It’s really annoying. What I hate the most are annoying women.”

After she finished talking, she kicked her over with her high-heeled shoe. Su Youyan retreated back. The fine-pointed heel almost scratched her face: “What a coincidence, I do, too.”

Su Youyan suddenly turned around making the ponytail behind her head swing toward Qiu Shui. The ponytail brushed Qiu Shui’s eyes causing her to instinctively cover them. Su Youyan then slapped Qiu Shui down producing a crisp sound: “This slap’s for you to remember what happens if you touch my hair.”

“Damn it, bitch.” Qiu Shui had a loose tongue. Qiu Shui kicked at Su Youyan once again, but this time Su Youyan dodged it. Qiu Shui turned to kick her once more. It seemed that Qiu Shui was adept in using her legs. Qiu Shui’s last kick slightly grazed Su Youyan’s clothes, making the latter, look down at her own clothes. Qiu Shui also seemed to enjoy this exchange. She took off her high-heeled shoes and aimed her kick straight for Su Youyan’s legs. Su Youyan split her legs making Qui Shui’s foot go through in between Su Youyan’s legs.

Su Youyan put her legs together and clamped Qiu Shui’s foot in between her legs. Using one hand, she grabbed Qiu Shui’s wrist, while with the other hand, she gave Qiu Shui another slap: “This slap will remind you not to swear.”

Qiu Shui used her hands to support herself on the ground and kicked Su Youyan with the other leg that was not clamped. Su Youyan let go of Qiu Shui foot and moved back.

Ke Bu, who was on the side, had his mouth agape. He felt a chill run down his back. He suddenly remembered when he pressed against Su Youyan’s back outside the gymnasium door. He was threatening to stab her until she died on the spot. He swallowed hard: “You already knew that Su Youyan was very fierce?”

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