Trust Falls

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A/N: Hey my lovely readers! Long time no see! I would like to start off with a GIANT thank you. I am completely awed by the amount of support I have gotten from all of you throughout the time I’ve been gone- even though it was far longer than I said. I can’t believe I almost have 100 followers! Y’all warm my heart and I appreciate all of you soooo much <3

Secondly, I guess I should apologize for my disappearance. Basically what happened is college. I ended up working longer than I anticipated this summer and then when I got back home I was in packing overdrive and now here I am in a dorm room. Needless to say things have been a little hectic, and with loads of homework, classes, work, clubs, friends and sleep, finding time to write has been difficult. I would love to tell you that I’ll be able to update more regularly now, but I’m not sure that that’s true. Unfortunately updates will probably continue to be pretty far between. I hope you all continue to stick around though, because I am still pretty much in love with this story and definitely want to finish.

So anyway, here’s a long overdue chapter. Warning for swearing and implied sex and some detailed making out beforehand (no actual smut though). I hope y’all enjoy it! (And please comment and vote, I get so much joy from reading what you have to say, and even though I haven’t been around I’ve been reading everything and grinning when I do)

It wasn’t long before we were surrounded by people. Connor was there first, a grin lighting him up brighter than a skyline. “I had no idea you were gonna tell everybody! Since when could you guys keep secrets from me?” He had known we were soulmates for months. Of course he had. We hadn’t meant to tell him, but he had a way of seeing us better than we saw ourselves.

Others came after him, some who had already known, some who hadn’t. Zoe and Alfie were there, making the same jokes they had been making since Tyler had drunkenly let it slip to Zoe in a Skype call, about how us YouTube soulmates had to stick together. There were plenty of friends offering congratulations, claiming they had known all along, and maybe they had. And then there was Hannah, remarkably saying very little, just smiling the kind of smile that makes you feel like nothing could ever go wrong. When she got the chance she hugged each of us separately. My hug was wordless and impossibly warm, Tyler’s, on the other hand, included something whispered into his shoulder, and I tried desperately not to wonder what it was.  Tyler had told her very consciously, only shortly after he had told Korey, before Hannah and I had really spoken much. He relied on her in a way that was organic and instinctual and I couldn’t count how many times I had been grateful to know that no matter what happens, he will always have her.

There were still things to do after the panel- people to meet and interviews to be had. We lost track of each other for a few hours and it was strange to face it all without him there. Every time someone asked a question that clawed into our personal life as though it had a right to I wished he were there next to me laughing it off. Of course I had expected this, had anticipated the sudden influx of feigned intimacy with every interviewer I encountered, but somehow my imagination had jumped past how often I am alone. I had always pictured the two of us sitting together, knowing just how much to divulge based mostly on eye contact.

By the time I saw him again, head bowed towards the screen of his phone where he stood alone in the green room, I was entertaining romantic, pink-tinged fantasies of never leaving his side again. I snuck up on him, gently resting my hands on his narrow hips. He stiffened, head snapping up, and made a noise of surprise that was almost immediately cut off when he realized who it was.

“Fuck you!” he squealed, turning to face me. “You gave me a fucking heart attack!” I didn’t attempt to defend myself, simply giggling in what I hoped was a cute and mischievous way. Based on how terribly he was hiding his grin I wasn’t too concerned.

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