Alone. Chapter 9 - He Means Something.

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Songs for this chapter

Everlong by Foo Fighters (For Ashton)


Sliver by Nirvana


"Sometimes I don't get you." He said

I didn't even glance at him, I smiled towards the television and said "that's the whole point."

Two more days.

Two more days until I leave Melbourne.

I glance at the boys, watching their steady looks towards the "intense" soccer match.

"Where's our next stop?" I asked, amused at all of their focused expressions.

"New Zealand, beautiful beautiful place." Calum says, looking towards me.

I hardly remember the New Zealand trip I went to with my family, but I was 13. One year after I started feeling different. Sadder. I think of the trip to the mall with Niall today, realising that I haven't been that happy in a long while. I smile at the thought and Niall looks over towards me, squeezing my hand as I put my head on his shoulder.

I open my eyes from a loud yelling, I see Calum standing up next to Michael as they hug dancing around. I turn to see Louis groaning, with his head in his hands.

"WOO! FUCK YEAH WE WON!" Michael shouts, continuing to dance around.

"This proves that Australia's the best!" Calum says, sitting back down.

"We'll see at the Grand Final." Louis smirks.

I check through my phone and after scrolling through tweets I see a picture of me.

I gasp, realising millions of millions of people have seen it. I turn to Harry and he grins knowing the photo I just saw of me, posted minutes ago by him.

"Styles, what the fuck!" I say, "What's this?!" I panic.

He continues to grin as the rest of the boys see the photo of me.

They all stay there, shocked. But most definitely not as shocked as I am.

"Is that you?!" Liam asks.

"Nude?!" Zayn continues.

"I'm not nude!" I defend. "Just in my underwear, when Harry decided to throw me outside whilst I was getting my clothing this morning." I look to Harry, and I start to scowl.

"Run mate." Niall pats Harry on the back.

Harry just about to get up but I interrupt him.

"No need to run now, I will get you." I laugh, "Later."

Harry's smirk drops as I continue to laugh.

The rest of the boys laugh, continuing to pat Harry on the back, as I still to look at the photo, cringing as I'm in my underwear.

It's bed time and we all get ready for bed, brushing our teeth and whatnot, I hop into bed as one of the boys switch of the lights.

"Goodnight boys!" I says smiling.

"Goodnight Soph." They all say warmingly.

You're coming home, RIGHT NOW! My mother scolds, as I listen to her cold voice.

I turn to her, finding her beady, narrow eyes, staring right at me.

How did she find me? How did she get into the bus?

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