Song for this chapter:
What I Like About You - By both 5 Seconds Of Summer and The Romantics.
She wasn't bitter. She was sad though. But it was a hopeful kind of sad. The kind of sad that just takes its time.
**********I'm so glad Ashton liked his birthday, seeing him smile so much more than he usually does just melts my heart.
I wake up over-heated, Melbourne needs to bloody get their bi-polar shit weather together otherwise I swear to god.
I suddenly realise today is Luke's birthday, I quickly jump up, I get my card/present ready on the table and I go back into the bedroom. Luke wanted to go to KFC for his morning birthday breakfast, he says it's one of his favourite foods and I can't argue with that."HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKEY!!!" I yell, jumping onto Luke.
He quickly jumps, getting scared. He smiles and grabs me, pulling me into a hug.
"Thankyou party girl." He laughs.
Everyone wakes up, due to my yelling (woops), and they all say a Happy Birthday to Luke. We all get ready for KFC, as Luke ordered to open up his presents after KFC. I put on my 5SOS t-shirt (yes I got one) for the fun of it and my usual attire, ripped skinny jeans and converse. I put on my makeup and I leave my hair into its natural wavy brown mess. I exit the bus and someone grabs my waist, I realise it's Niall and I hug him back.
"Morning," Niall says, resting his chin on my head.
"Good morning" I say brightly.
"Well someone's a morning person." Louis says yawning whilst he walks out of the bus.
"Only for birthdays," I smile. We all wait for everyone to come out of the bus, one at a time they all are here and we start walking to KFC.
"I hope we know where this KFC is." Liam says whilst we slowly stroll thorough a park.
"Yeah, I know the way, just follow me." I say smiling.
"I'm surprised we haven't got mobbed yet." Harry says looking around the park.
"Yeah, Melbourne's pretty on the ball with this sort of stuff." I say, "we shouldn't jinx it though."
Just as I say those 5 words, I hear screaming and we all turn to see a bunch of girls running towards us.
"Fuck we jinxed it." I yell.
"Run, run, run!" Ashton screams, almost shitting himself. I laugh and we all start running.
Gosh those girls are slow because we get out of the park, me leading the way, and we arrive at KFC. The security caught up to us, so the fans are outside banging on the windows.
"Well, we made it." Michael breathes out.
We all take a seat and all we hear is screaming and our panting breaths. I see a few stares in the KFC store, the older people start going outside and I feel bad. Everywhere we go we get mobbed, but it's something to get used to if you hang out with 9 famous people. I quite enjoy it, it gives me a lot of adrenaline that just feels amazing.
A waiter comes to out table to ask for our orders, which rarely happens in KFC, but it's a kind gesture. I ended up ordering a large popcorn-chicken, and some fries. Everyone else orders and I pull out my purse.
"No way you're paying again Soph." Louis says but I continue pulling out my credit card.
"Guys, I want to pay, you guys are letting me go on tour with you and I'm so grateful." I give the waiter my card and he walks off.

Fanfictionthere are two types of people in the world; Those who prefer to be sad among others, and those who prefer to be sad alone.