A/N -
As always, change the pronouns if you don't identify with she/her! Hope y'all are ready for the second installment of my Bellamy Blake series! It's gonna be fun. Maybe a bit from Bellamy's POV. Not sure yet. Hope you enjoy! BTW this is the second in a series so be sure to read the first story before you continue with this one!
It had been two days. At least, I was pretty sure. I lost track of time. The lighting never changed. Every now and then, the door would open and they'd bring in a fresh plate of bland food, usually while I was asleep. Boredom gnawed at my mind. At one point there was a book left on the battered couch. I waited as long as I could to not touch it, not give these people the satisfaction. But just as had happened whenever I didn't eat the food, my boredom got the better of me and I picked up the book.
Fahrenheit 451. Really old book. I'd heard a lot about it on the Ark. Apparently it was very popular with my ancestors, and as I read it, I could understand why. Books were fantastic. And I felt a bit of kinship with the main character. I too would drop everything to preserve culture - or in my case, my friends - at the cost of my life.
By the time I'd read the book through for the fifth time, I couldn't take it anymore. Out of my mind with boredom, frustration, and absolute crushing worry for my friends, I chucked the book at the door. I let out a scream, hoping it would make me feel better. All it did was make me angrier.
I rolled off the couch and turned to the security camera. I wasn't sure if they could hear me, but I didn't care.
"HEY!" I shouted, seething with fury. "HEY assholes! What the fuck do you want with me? Where are my friends?"
Of course, no one answered. I pounded on the door, just to make my point, but it did nothing. As I stared out the window, dread seeped into my bones. The door across from mine was wide open, and someone was inside, cleaning it out in a hazmat suit. My eyes widened and a torrent of horrible thoughts overtook my mind.
"HEY!" I pounded on the door, my throat going raw with screaming. The person didn't seem to hear me. "HEY! Where's Jasper? WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM?"
Still, the person didn't even turn around. Wildly, I looked around for something to break the glass with. My eyes fell upon the IV stand I'd been attached to when I first woke up in here. I grunted, acknowledging the stupidity of the idea, and then proceeded to follow through. Glass shattered. Shards fell to the floor around me. I tried to clear away as much of the sharp edges as I could. I reached down and unlocked the handle, then pushed the door open.
Heart hammering in my chest, I stared at what was Jasper's room to find it closed again, and the person gone. Just to be safe, I grabbed a rather large shard of glass and gripped it tight in my hand. Adrenaline pounded in my veins as I slowly stepped out of the white room into the gray hallway. I winced at the cold touch of the stone on my bare feet. Looking up and down the hall, I decided to head to my left. Drops of blood dripped from my fingertips to the ground, leaving a trail, but I didn't care. I just gripped tighter to the glass, ignoring the stinging in my palm.
Rounding the corner, I found myself face to face with another worker, maybe the same one I'd just seen in Jasper's room. We stared at each other for a moment, and then I made my move. Driven only by the fear and concern for my friends, I raced to the person and ripped their mask off. Terror filled his eyes, and he started pleading for me to stop, something about contamination.
I shoved him against the wall and pressed the shard against his throat. More blood spilled over the palm of my hand. My own. That was too much blood, way too much. The cut was deepening, but I didn't care.

Mountains Shelter Secrets (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
FanfictionY/N Kane is trapped inside a secretive mountain inhabited by secretive people and has no idea if the rest of her friends are alive. Stakes are high as she tries to uncover the secrets of the mountain and save the rest of her people without dying. We...