VIII - Spacewalker

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After Lincoln's miraculous recovery, everything happened so fast. Abby and the Grounders escorted us back to Camp Jaha, which we'd renamed Arkadia, and were left to wait, wringing our hands as Clarke went to go negotiate a peace treaty with the Commander. Lincoln was taken to the infirmary and Octavia went to sit by his side. As for me and Bellamy, we stood outside, waiting impatiently for news. Raven had joined us at some point, but I wasn't sure when. All I could think about was that this negotiation needed to go well. My father needed to come home. We needed peace.

"It should be enough for a truce, right?'" Raven asked. "The whole thing with Lincoln, I mean."

"I hope so." I leaned against a crate and picked at my cuticles, giving my mind something else to do. "The Grounders seemed impressed. They've been fighting Reapers for decades, so knowing how to turn them's priceless."

"Enough for them to forget about Finn, I hope," Bellamy said.

Two painstaking hours passed by filled with occasional small talk and pacing, but more often than not we just stood in stressful silence. Finally, moonlight illuminated two Grounder warriors escorting Clarke back to camp. Bellamy, rifle trained on the Grounders, shouted at the other guards to hold their fire.

The riders stayed outside as Clarke entered, and the gates were shut once again. She grabbed Finn's sleeve and dragged him further away as we followed, eager for information. We were quickly joined by Abby, who embraced her daughter. People watched, tense, waiting to see what news she brought.

"What did the Commander say?' Abby asked. 'Is there a chance for peace?'

"Yes," Clarke answered, her voice firm and her eyes tortured. There was a catch. Of course there was. Nothing could be easy down here, could it?

"What's wrong?' Finn asked.

Clarke turned to him, slowly, her eyes defeated. "They want you. If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn."

Whispers broke out around us, the crowd shifting on their feet as the information was passed around. Finn. Finn was all that stood between the taut line of war and peace.

"What are you talking about?" Raven asked.

"That's their offer," Clarke answered.

"That's not an offer."

"It's punishment," Finn whispered. "For what happened at the village. Blood for blood."

"That's insane," Bellamy huffed.

"If we refuse?" Abby asked.

"They attack," Clarke answered.

Restlessness washed over the crowd. Shouts echoed around us, people screaming to give Finn up. Byrne and the other guards tried to calm things down, but the yells only got louder. I was painfully reminded of what had happened when it was just the hundred getting riled up, when they almost hung Murphy. Was this to turn out the same?

"Give him to the Grounders!" A man roared, approaching Finn with an enraged, menacing look in his eyes.

"Back off!" Raven spat, shoving him away.

He went to shove her back, but a guard stopped him as Clarke dragged a struggling Raven away.

"Raven, listen to me!" She said. "Nothing is gonna happen to Finn. I promise, okay?"

"Maybe," I began, and they both turned to me. I hesitated. "Maybe he should leave. Sneak out of camp."

"What?" Clarke gasped. "They'll hunt him down!"

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