XI - Coup de Grâce

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Decontamination was the worst thing I'd ever experienced. I thought being sliced by the Grounders was horrible, but this was infinitely worse. Of course, the cuts exacerbated the pain. I was beginning to regret coming on this mission.

First, they doused us with boiling water. It seared by skin, reddened it, and I bit back a scream so hard my tongue bled. I relished in the brief moment of relief after they finished and stared over at Bellamy. His skin was red and had to be in just as much pain as me, but he hardly showed it. It seemed his only concern was for me. I tried to smile, but didn't get the chance as white decontamination powder blasted us from every angle. I coughed and blinked, trying to get it out of my eyes. It stung. Jesus Christ, it stung in my eyes, in my every cut. I pulled against the cuffs chaining my hands and ankles, just trying desperately to relieve the pain, but I couldn't move.

Still, it didn't get better. The Mountain Men scrubbed me down from afar, rubbing my skin raw. After they'd satisfied themselves with that, they stuck a needle in my arm and another in my shoulder and shoved a pill down my throat. At least I thought it was a pill. Everything was happening so fast, and the pain was so blinding I could barely comprehend what was happening to me.

I wasn't sure when I'd passed out, nor why. Maybe it was pain, maybe they'd put me under. But either way, I awoke, head pounding, body aching in a small metal cage. Groaning, I pulled myself to the most comfortable sitting position I could, which still wasn't that great. Beneath me, another Grounder was sleeping in their own cage. Across the aisle, a series of cages stacked on top of each other lined the room. I turned to my right to find Bellamy unconscious.

"Bel," I whispered, poking him. "Bel, wake up."

Slowly, he roused. He took a moment to look around and soak in the horror of the place we were trapped in. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. I was alive, that was all that mattered.

"Then we have to get out of here," he growled. Bellamy started pounding on the cage, pulling at the door, trying to break it open.

"Stop, Bel," I whispered. "It's no use."

Unsurprisingly, he didn't give up. I did try a little, but the cage only rattled and shook. I doubted either of us would get these open.

A woman on the other side of Bellamy muttered something to him in Trigedasleng.

Bellamy stopped trying to get out and turned to her. "I can't...I don't understand you."

"Sky person?" She snarled.

Bellamy nodded, to which she responded by spitting on him. Instinctively, I kicked the side of my cage and glared at her with a dark, fiery gaze. "Leave him alone."

"Oh and another," she growled, returning my glare. "It's an infestation on the planet.

"I take it no one has told you we're not enemies anymore," Bellamy said, wiping her spit from his face. She sat back in her cage, going silent. "I need to get out of this cage."

"And then what?" The Grounder girl scoffed.

"And then I'll kill everyone in this mountain."

I furrowed my eyebrows. That wasn't our mission. We were just going to get our people out. Children lived here. Children who had nothing to do with this. Bellamy must have sensed my distaste because he put his fingers on the cage wall between us, his eyes apologetic. Maybe we would have to kill everyone here. If it came down to it, I would come to terms with that. But for now, just saving our people was important.

I linked my fingers through the cage, and pressed my forehead against it. Bellamy did the same, and I smiled at our touch. If we didn't get out of these cages we were going to be strung up. So it was now or never. God, I promised myself. So I just had to say it.

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