"I Love Kissing You"❤️🌷

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*A/N: I made that picture edit and I don't know why but I'm in love with it...yeah idk❤️😂🌷*
"Fine." I laugh.
Next thing you know his lips are on mine. I smirk in the kiss. I get on his lap never breaking the kiss. His arms around my waist and my arms around his neck. (He is sitting up. Also this isn't about to turn into porn I promise. This is just a heated make out session.😏) My hands find their way to Payton's hair. His grip gets tighter as my hands tug on his hair. He soon turns us around. He is now on top of me with my legs wrapped around him. Out of absolutely no where he slips his tongue in. Welp(yes I meant to spell it like that.) this just took a turn. That's when I have an idea. I manage to flip us over causing me to be on top of Payton. I sit on his stomach and start kissing him again. His hands roaming up and down my sides. I then start to kiss down his neck...possibly leaving hickeys...😏(remember not going to turn into a porno) he lets out a few groans. I stop and give him a peck on the lips. I get off of him and lay down next to him. He looks at me confused. He probably thought it was going to go further(it probably was I just don't know how y'all feel about smut...I mean I don't read it but I know that there are some people out there. I won't judge. So smut or nah?) oops he was wrong. I look at him and laugh knowing he is clearly turned on.
"Maybe next time buddy." I pat his shoulder.
"Oh well." He says joking.
"It doesn't matter to me anyways as long as I am kissing you I don't have to have sex with you. I love your kisses. I love kissing you. I honestly just love having you close to me. We don't ever have to be intimate just you being in my arms is good enough for me. I love you Brittni." Payton says.
This boy...ugggg...he is so perfect I like can't.
"Aw. I love you to Payton and I know you want me to be comfortable when it happens and I am forever grateful for that. I am so blessed to have you here with me. I love you." I say back.
I give him another peck on the lips. I lay down. Payton lays down a good distance away from me. I then remember why. You know we just had a very heated make out session...I was on his lap...put two and two together and what do you get?...a horny teenage boy😂. (A/N ok I know y'all probably hate these random author notes but like I only write the chapters at night and my dogs sleep with me. Anyways my dog is snoring and I am dying because if is so cute. Sorry ok bye I promise I'll try and stop doing these.) I soon hear soft snores. I try to go to sleep but I can't.
I'm still awake. I can't sleep for some reason. I'm laying here in the bed. UG. I'm going to be so tired tomorrow. I start to think about Payton. He is so sweet and nice. I don't deserve him. He deserves better. I love his hair. I go on thinking about him when I feel the bed move. I turn my head and see Payton facing me. I can't tell if he is awake or not.
"Payton are you awake?" I ask very softly.
"Yeah." He says in a voice that sounds like he has been crying.
I sit up.
"Are you crying?" I ask clearly worried.
"...yes." He says hesitate at first.
"Why?" I ask.
He sits up. He opens his mouth but before he can't say anything he breaks down in tears. He covers his face with his hands while sobbing.
"Come here baby. What's wrong? What happen? Are you ok? Did I do something? How long have you been crying." I ask a million questions as I put his head on my chest.
I'm soon letting small tears fall from the sight of him crying. His arms are around me. His head on my chest. He is crying so much.
"It's ok. Everything will be ok." I say trying to calm him down.
He is still crying but not as much.
"I'm sorry that I'm not as good at comforting people as you are. I don't know how to deal with people emotions." I say.
He lets out a small laugh. I pull him closer to me. Payton is still crying. I plant a small kiss on the top of his head. I repeat a few things and he soon calms down. His hoodie that I was wearing now soaked in tears. I lay down and Payton puts his head on my stomach. His arms wrapped around my waist. I start to play with his hair.
"B." Payton says.
"Yes Payt?" I ask.
"I had a nightmare." He says.
"I'm so sorry Payton. Do you mind telling me what it was about?" I ask.
"We were dating and I was going to go over to your house to hang out but when I got to the door and I opened it I saw you and Dylan making out-" he is cut off by more sobs.
"Shshs. It's ok if you want to tell me later you can. Just get some sleep ok Payt." I say worried.
"I want to tell you now." He says.
"Ok." I say messing with his hair.
"Y'all were making out and when you saw me you said you didn't love me anymore and that you never wanted to see me again." He says starting to get worked up again.
"I love you Payton. I really do. I would never leave you for anyone. Not even Tom Holland." I say.
He laughs.
"I know like you said we aren't together but we will be. I love you so much and I will never stop. I know how it feels to be cheated on and it hurts. I would never put anyone through that pain. "  I say.
"I would never leave you either B. I love you." Payton says.
" I love you too. Now let's get some sleep."
" Goodnight Babygirl." Payton's says.
"Goodnight Payt." I say back.
I immediately fall asleep.
The Morning: 9:26 am.
I wake up and look down at Payton. His cheeks have tear stains on them. I probably do too. I start to mess with his hair. I have to go to the bathroom but I can't get up. So I just lay there with a million thoughts running through my head. I look at the time 9:54am UG.
I'm surprised that Bailee or Chase haven't tried to wake us up. Oh no...what are they up to? I grab my phone from bedside me and check it. I have a text from Bailee from 7:26am.
Bailee: Hey B I just wanted to let you know that Tyler and I went to his house because I was going to stay the night so we can go to the movies tomorrow. Chase is still there and he was asleep when we left so. Alright bye.
Me: ok thank you. Also I was wondering why y'all haven't tried to wake us up yet. Lol bye.
Bailee: we were going to wake y'all up but then I saw how cute y'all were so...bye
Me: aw and bye
Payton starts to move a bit. I look down and he sits up. His eyes are so puffy and red. He has tear stains on his cheeks.
"Good Morning Beautiful." He says while smiling.
"Good morning Handsome." I say back also giving him a smile.
My eyes go down to his neck remembering what happened last night. He has like 5 hickeys. All of them a good size..........oops😂.
"What?" Payton asks.
"Nothing you will find out later." I say laughing.
I get up to go to the bathroom. I go back out to Payton playing on his phone.
"I'm going to take a shower ok?" I say.
"Alrighty I should also take one." He says back.
Lalalala I take a shower. I get dressed in black pants with rips in them and a plain white shirt. I brush my teeth and blow dry my hair. I walk out to see Payton wearing the same thing.
"Wait how did this happen?" I ask laughing.
"Um I'm not sure." He also laughs.
His hair is wet. He should've seen the hickeys on his neck by now.
"Also..." he says as he points to each and every hickey he has on his neck.
"Sorry." I laugh.
"Don't be sorry honestly I would've done the same thing if I had the chance." He says while smirking.
"Oh really?" I ask kinda suductive(I think I spelled that wrong.)
"Yep." He says and then walks over to me.
"Well to bad because we have a guest downstairs and we need to see if he is ok." I say.
"Fine. Also I thought Bailee and Tyler were here." He says.
"Well they left but Chase is still here." I say.
We all down the stairs and see Chase on his phone.
"Hey." I say.
"Hi." He says back.
"I made some bacon and eggs." He says.
"Alright thank you." I say.
"No problem also I'm leaving soon because I need to pack for my trip."
"Ok." Payton says.
We walk into the kitchen and eat. Soon Chase comes into the kitchen.
"Did y'all fuck last night?" He asks.
"No. Just a heated make out session." I say laughing.
"That explains the hickeys on his neck." Chase says laughing.
Payton turns a light shade of red.
"Aw you're bLuShInG." I say.
"No I'm not..." He says back.
"Whatever." I laugh.
Skip 1 week
Alrighty so I think that they do the exact same thing every single day and I want to change it up. Also what do y'all think about POVS? Should I add a few parts of Payton's POV? Also this is a short chapter and I am really truly sorry about that.
Bye Loves❤️🌷

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