"Wait...Can you stay?"

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Someone knocks on the bedroom door.
"Hey Brit, it's almost time to go." Jake says.
"Alright I'm done you can come in." I say and shake the thoughts roaming around in my head.
Jake opens the door and Blue darts in there immediately going to the bed and going back to sleep.
"Ready?" He asks while looking me up and down.
"Yup." I say.
"Alright let's go."
I grab my phone and some money and we walk down to the lobby. Payton already being there. Man he looks like shit. I still manage to find him attractive though. He is wearing a hoodie and some jeans. He looks really upset. I feel bad. It's his damn fault though so I shouldn't feel bad but I somehow still manage to blame everything on me. I'm still staring at him and then he looks up at me. We make eye contact but I quickly look away not wanting to see him any longer.
"BRITTNI!!!! WHERE ARE YOU MY LOVE!?" I hear someone screaming down the hall.
I look up and it's Randi. She is running straight at me. We both hug and she looks at me.
"Why aren't you all over Payton?" She asks.
"Because we aren't together." I say looking down.
"WHAT!? What happened?" She asks.
"Well he decided to come home at 3:07 am with hickeys, lipstick, and the smell of alcohol all over him. So I screamed at him, took Blue and I'm now staying in Jake's room." I say.
"Oh honey I'm so sorry." She says engulfing me in a hug again.
The hug only lasted a second because she was being pulled away. I look up and Cash was prying her off of me.
"Give her back." Cash says to me.
"No she's mine bitch." I say and start to pull her towards me.
"Guys relax there's enough me to go around." Randi says while smiling.
"Fine I'll share." Cash says and rolls his eyes.
We all three start to laugh. I look over at Payton and he is staring dead at me. He quickly looks away.
"Hey Brit, our über is here." Jake says.
"Alright." I respond.
Jake and I walk out of the lobby and into our über. The über is driving to the meet up place. I was looking out the window when I felt a hand on mine. I look down and it was Jake's.(NaH rEaLlY!?)
"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." He says quickly snatching his hand away.
"Oh it's fine, you're fine." I say while smiling.
We then start to talk about random shit again. Like who invented the Popsicle? And crazy shit like that. Payton and I used to have these conversations. I sigh.
"What's wrong B?" Jake asks.
Payton calls me that.
"Just thinking." I say.
"About what?"
"Payton." I say and look down.
"Oh...what about him?" He asks.
"Well, all the good times. We were so perfect together. It makes me kind of think that he didn't cheat on purpose,he probably didn't but this isn't the first time he's done this." I say starting to tear up.
"What do you mean this isn't the first time?" He asks.
"He's cheated before but explained it and we went back to being happy. I shouldn't have taken him back but I'm just so in love and blindsided by his amazing self to realize that he probably isn't good for me." I say now crying.
Jake grabs me and holds me close to him. He rubs my back and rests his head on top of mine.
"Shh, it's ok Brittni. If it's really meant to be then y'all will get back together and he won't cheat ever again. He has realized his mistakes, trust me I know. Just promise me you do know that there are other fish in the sea." Jake says.
"I know that there are other fish but Payton is my fish. He is the fish that I want, I don't want any other fish, just him." I say while crying.
"Like I said,you'll know if he's the one or not." Jake says and holds me close.
The poor über driver is probably wanting us to pay him and get out. He pulls up to our destination. Jake pays after us arguing for forever about it. We walk inside and I immediately go to the bathroom to see if my makeup is ok. Thank God for waterproof mascara. I look fine and walk back out.
"I have bad news." Randi says.
"What?" I say.
"They put your meet and greet booth right next to Payton's." Randi says.
"That's ok...hopefully nothing will go down." I say and smile.
"Alright, that's good, staying optimistic. I'm not famous enough to have a booth so peace. I'm going to go get Chick-Fil-La and stalk Daniel Seavey's Insta." Randi says and walks off.
As she's walking off I see Cash grab her and kiss her. Aw. They say goodbye and she walks to Chick-Fil-La which is right across the street. I go to my booth.
"Alrighty guys, we have 5 minutes until we let the fans in." The manager says.
I look to my left to see Payton. He was already looking at me and I quickly look to my right to see Jake. I smile and wave at him and he does the same back. Five minutes pass and they let the supporters flood in. First one for me is a little girl.
"Why hello beautiful. What's your name?" I ask.
"Kayla. I'm 10. I'm a big fan of your's and Payton's." She says with a huge smile on her face.
"Well thank you for supporting what we do." I say and smile.
"Can I pretty please have a picture. You are really pretty." She says.
"Of course and you are also really pretty." I say and she giggles.
We take the picture and she goes to Payton's booth next.
+++++++++++++++Time Skip
I plop down face first on the bed. Jake laughs.
"Tired?" He asks.
"Yeah, that meet and greet wore me out." I say.
"Yeah same here." He says.
He plops down right beside me and we both sigh.
"What do you want for dinner?" He asks.
"Umm...I'm not hungry." I respond.
"Oh ok, I'll just order pizza then. Do you want to go anywhere or do anything?" He asks.
"Um..." I look at the time. 8:28 pm.
"No, it's getting a little late and we have to wake up early to get on a plane tomorrow. Aren't we going to Dallas, Texas tomorrow?" I ask.
"Yeah we are." Jake says and gets up to get his phone.
While he orders pizza I fill Blue's food bowl and change into some sleeping shorts and a big t-shirt. Jake walks back into the bedroom and sits down on the bed, he looks me up and down.
"Why are you so short?" He asks.
"Why are you so damn tall?" I ask.
"I'm not you are just short."
"Whatever." I roll my eyes and we both laugh.
"The pizza is on its way." He says while looking at his phone.
"Alright I might eat a piece later."
I go and lay down on the bed again and Blue hops up on the bed with me and lays on my stomach. Jake lays down as well. My phone goes off. Who the hell is texting me? People know I hate human socialization. Randi❤️💫✌️
Bold-Randi Underlined-Brittni
Hey Brit could you come to my room...it's kind of an emergency.
Umm...ok is everything ok?
I don't know. Cash is also freaking out.
Alright I'm coming.

From Mistake to "I love you."(Payton Moormeier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now