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"I asked y'all to give me some questions for this challenge on my Instagram so let's see." Payton says as he is getting his insta loaded.
"Ok, most likely to talk about memes on the first date." He says.
I held up both Tyler and Bailee's names.
*skip till video is over*
"Alrighty. Let's watch a movie." I say.
I turn on the T.V. and give Payton the remote.
"Choose a movie, I will go and make popcorn." I whisper to him.
I walk into the kitchen and find the popcorn. A few seconds later I hear someone walking towards me. I don't think anything of it. I then feel arms around my waist.
"Payton, did you choose a movie?" I ask. I then quickly realize that this is not Payton. I can tell by the different cologne. I turn around and shocked to see Dylan.(no hate.)
"Um...Dylan what are you doing?" I ask trying to get his arms off of me.
"Nothing." He says back with a smirk tugging on his lips.
"Dylan, stop." I say.
He then starts to kiss my neck.
"DYLAN!" I yell.
He doesn't stop.
"PAYT-" I get cut off by Dylan kissing my lips.
I quickly pull away.
"PAYTON!" I scream almost in tears.
I soon see him at the doorway. He runs towards me and Dylan.
"What the hell?" He says clearly confused and frustrated.
Dylan let's go of me.
"I was making popcorn when I felt arms around my waist and I thought it was you but then I quickly realized that it wasn't your cologne. And Dylan started to kiss me...and he wouldn't stop." I started to cry. It was bringing back memories of being raped.
"WHAT THE FUCK DYLAN!" Payton yells getting really frustrated and angry.
He starts to walk towards Dylan. His jaw is clenched and his hands in fists.
"Payton...just let him go." I say between sniffles.
"Why should I?" He asks.
"Because he is your friend, just let him go home. Y'all can talk this out later...please." I say.
"Ok...Dylan you have 5 seconds to leave before I hurt you." Payton says.
Dylan walks fast out the door. Payton comes over to me and hugs me.
"I'm so sorry Babygirl, did he hurt you?" Payton says.
"It's just I told him to stop and he wouldn't. When I tried calling for you the first time he kissed my lips. It just brought back memories. Being forced to do something I didn't want to do." I say with my head buried in his chest.
"Look at me." Payton says.
I look up at him with tears in my eyes.
"I promise this will never happen again. As long as I'm with you, you will never be forced to do anything. I will always give you a choice. Where most guys,kinda like Dylan, would want it then and there, I will wait. I promise to never hurt you Babygirl. I love you." Payton says.
He said I love you. I.Love.You.
"Thank you so much Payton. We aren't even together yet. I knew the first time that I saw you...which was 3 days ago, that you were the one. I can tell when we do get together that we are going to have a long lasting relationship. I love you too." I say.
I see a smile on his face. He then kisses me. That kiss had a lot of meaning in it. I pull away.
"OH SHOOT THE POPCORN!" I pull the bag out and it is burnt to a crisp.
"I guess I have to make another bag." I say while laughing.
"Go sit down. I'll make it." Payton says.
"I want to stay." I say.
"Ok." Payton says laughing.
He makes the popcorn and we go and sit down.
"Hey bro, why did Dylan leave?" Chase asks.
"It's a long story. I'll tell you later." Payton says back.
He hits play on the movie.
"What movie is this?" I ask.
"To All The Boys I've Loved Before." He says.
"Why?" I ask laughing.
"Bailee wouldn't stop whining. So I finally put it on." He says.
"Ok." I laugh.
*Time Skip because I'm the author and I can do that❤️😂🌷*
We are like in the middle of the movie.
"Noah Centinio is sooooo hot." I say.
"Agreed." Bailee responds.
"What?" Payton says.
"Noah is really cute that's what." I say laughing.
"Hmph." Payton says.
"But not as cute as you." I say laughing.
"Aww.thanks B." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey maybe they can stay the night." I say to Payton.
"Um yeah they can." Payton says giving me his adorable smile.
"Hey y'all. Do y'all want to stay the night?" I ask.
"Yeah." Chase says.
"Sure." Bailee says.
"Yes." Tyler responds.
"You are so southern." Payton says laughing.
"Shut up." I say giving his arm a slight punch.
"That hurt so badly." Payton says sarcastically.
I laugh.
It gets to the part where they are about to kiss. They kiss.
"AWWWWWWWWWW...they are so adorable." I say.
Payton looks at me and kisses me slowly. It was supposed to be a small kiss but...oops. We are there like basically making out.
"Guys we're still here." Chase says.
I pull away quickly.
"Shit I'm sorry." I say.
"I'm not." Payton says.
I give him a glare. He looks at me and makes a stupid face. I laugh. This boy. He makes out with me one minute and the next he acts like a complete and utter 4 year old.
*Time Skip...because I wanna*
"Well we just watched like 4 movies. What now?" I ask.
"How about...sleep." Payton says.
"YESSSS SLEEEPPPP!" Bailee basically screams.
"Yeah I'm pretty tired as well." Tyler says. Chase agrees.
"Alright." I say getting up.
"Bailee and Tyler you can have the guest can sleep on the couch or Faith isn't here you can sleep in her room." Payton says.
"I'll take the couch." Chase says laughing.
"GOODNIGHT!" I scream while walking up the stairs to Payton's room.
I make up the bed even though we are about to sleep in it I just thought it would be nice. I say goodnight to Bubbles. I keep Payton's hoodie on but I change into shorts. It looks like I don't even have anything on tbh. I plug in my phone. Payton then walks through the door with just his grey sweatpants on.
"Oh I see someone isn't wearing pants." Payton laughs.
"You're right I'm not wearing pants, I'm wearing shorts." I say also laughing.
"You also made the bed."
I walk up to him putting my hands on his chest. I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him. He deepens the kiss. I let my hands find their way to his hair. His arms wrapped around my waist. I pull away.
"Were you actually tired?" I ask.
"Nope. I just wanted sometime with you." He says smiling.
"Aw. I'm not tired either."I say smiling.
"What do you want to do?" I ask.
"Well I haven't gone live in a while. I need to do that. Um if you don't want to make an appearance you can just lay on my bed but I want to introduce you to my fans. Yeah we aren't dating but we will me." Payton said.
"Ok. I guess I'll be in it." I said giving him a nervous smile.
"It will be ok. They are going to love you." He said giving me a peck on the lips.
"Ok." I say back.
He gets his (I think he broadcasts on his laptop but I'm not sure.) laptop set up. I sit on his bed.
"Hey guys." Payton says.
I'm out of frame.
"B,they are asking about the girl in the picture." Payton said laughing.
"Cool." I said back not wanting to get in the live.
"Come here Babygirl." Payton says and then he quickly realized what he said.
"Umm...oops." Is what he says next.
I laugh." Ok fine."
I walk over to him. He grabs my waist and pulls me onto his lap. I laugh
"Eager much?" I say.
"I mean..."Payton says.
"PAYTON!" I yell while laughing.
"I'm just kidding." He says with a little blush on his cheeks.
"SUREE..." I laugh.
I look at the comments and they are all asking who I am.
" guys this is my...friend/girlfriend. We act just like a couple but we aren't official like we haven't asked each other out yet. Does that make sense?" Payton says smiling like a dork.
"My name is Brittni." I say.
Payton's arms are around my waist and I'm in his lap. Everyone is saying how cute we are. I start to blush.
"Aw you're bLuShInG." Payton says.
I roll my eyes playfully.
"Hey B, the comments are daring us to kiss." Payton says while smirking.
I look at him "'s going to turn into a make out session. It always does." I say laughing.
"No it won't, I promise." He says back letting out a little chuckle.
"Fine." I say laughing.
His lips land on mine. Of course he deepens the kiss and I pull away and laugh.
"I stopped it but it was going to turn into us making out." I say laughing.
Chase then walks through the door.
"Hey bro...oh are you live."he says.
"It's fine." Payton says.
"Um I was wondering if you had any extra blankets." Chase says.
"Um yeah in the bathroom in the bottom cabinet."
"Ok thanks bro."
Chase leaves and we stay live for about 30 more minutes then we log off. As soon as Payton is no longer live he looks at me.
" did you like it?" He asks.
"The live? Oh um it was fun your fans are so sweet." I say back.
"Ok. Um next time you are on my lap try not to move as much." Payton says while embarrassed.
"Wha-OH...oops...sorry." I say while laughing.
"You're the one who put me on your lap." I say.
"I didn't expect you to move so much." He says blushing still embarrassed.
"Ok next time I won't move as much,I promise." I say still laughing a bit.
"You Promise?." Payton says while letting out a small laugh.
"Yes." I say laughing still on his lap.
"I should probably get off then." I say still laughing.
"No stay with me." He says in a whinny voice while grabbing my waist and pulling me back down to him.
"I don't want to make it worst." I say.
"Fine." Payton says and let's go of me.
I laugh. I walk over to the bed and Payton is still sitting on the chair. I'm still not ready so there is no way I can help him.😂
"Payton I'm going downstairs  to get a drink,want anything?"
"Um...just get me a water."
I go downstairs and see Chase on one of the couches playing on his phone.
"Hey Brit."
"Please don't call me that." I say laughing.
"Ok. What are you doing?"
"Getting a drink. What are you doing?"
"Texting this girl." He says while blushing.
"Oooooh what's her name?"
"Oooooh is she nice?"
"Yeah. I'm going to see her next week."
"Aww that's cute."
"Yup. Alright well I'm about to go to sleep so...goodnight."
I smile at Chase and he smiles back. I grab two waters.  I walk back up the stairs and into Payton's room. I see him on the bed with his phone.
"Catch." I say and throw the water bottle at him.
He surprisingly catches it.
"Oof." I laugh.
" you wanna go to bed? I'm kind of tired now." I say.
"Um yeah sure." Payton says as he smiles at me.
I walk over to the bed and lay down. Payton turns out the light and lays down as well. I soon sit back up and look at Payton. He isn't asleep. He looks at me.
"What about my goodnight kiss?" He says while scrunching up his nose which is adorable.
"Fine." I laugh.
Alrighty...THIS BOOK HAS LIKE 200reads! It is probably going to have more by the time this chapter gets posted. This will continue in the next chapter. Then there will be a time skip. Alright. Also go follow my fan account on Instagram iits_mybaby_payton alright love y'all.
Bye loves❤️🌷

From Mistake to "I love you."(Payton Moormeier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now