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A/n just a fair warning, this chapter is going to be reallllllllly long and so are the other ones since they will be the last chapters . Also thank you @Jessica438355 for the name suggestion. Thank you to everyone who contributed but I chose her suggestion because I used to have a cat named Missy.

"How about her name is Missy." Payton says.
"Yes that's perfect." I say and smile.
"I'm all done packing and ready for the flight in two days." Payton says.
I sigh.
"I haven't even started packing." I say.
"Do you want me to come over and help?" Payton asks.
"Sure." I say.
Payton puts his shoes on and puts Missy in his hoodie pocket. He grabs my hand and we intertwine fingers. We walk downstairs and Payton tells his mom he's  staying at my house for the night.  We get in the car and I look at him.
"I'm going to miss this place." I say.
"Same here. But we can't do this right now we have to wait for Friday(the day they leave) so it can be more sad." He says.
We both laugh and Missy meows. Payton starts petting her and she soon falls asleep. I start to drive to my house and we soon arrive. We walk into my mom on the couch with Stoner on her lap, Blue running up and down the stairs, and Coal sitting beside my mom and her petting him.
"Oh my God. Brittni what did y'all do?" Payton asks.
"Well you see we went to an animal shelter and ended up with three animals." I say.
Blue runs up to me and Payton with a smile on his face.
"Blue I got you a sister." I say.
Payton pulls Missy out of his hoodie and shows her to Blue. Blue sniffs her and wags his tail. He sits and Payton puts Missy down on the ground. Blue lays down and blank curls in a ball on top of him and they just lay there.
"Well they are best friends." I say.
"Hey Brit. Hey Payton." Mom says.
"Hey mom."
"Hi Mrs. Rayburn." Payton says.
"Payton what did I tell you. You can call me Stacy." She says and laughs.
"Mom we are going upstairs." I say.
Payton and I go upstairs with Missy and Blue following behind. I shut the door and grab four suitcases out of my closet. I grab everything from my closet and all my shoes aka all my vans because I don't own anything else lol. I dump it all on the bed.
"This is going to be the longest night of my life." Payton says while looking at everything.
"You got that right." I say.
We start packing everything.
"Hey Brit how come I've never seen you wear this?" Payton asks while holding up a red lace thong.
"First off throw that away. Second off, because it's uncomfortable." I say.
We both laugh and continue packing.
It's about 12 at night and we started packing at 8 in the afternoon. We have three suitcases for me and one suitcase for Blue and Missy. I take the suitcases off of my bed and plop down on it. Payton does the same.
"Brittni." Payton says.
"I know we are basically already in a relationship but I never properly asked you. I know you don't like cheesy romance stuff so. Will you be my girlfriend?" Payton asks while sitting up and looking at me.
"Of course I will Payton." I say.
He gives me a kiss on the lips and pulls away.
"I'm tired." I say.
"Ug all my sleeping shirts and shorts are packed and I don't feel like getting them out." I say while sighing.
"Here." Payton says while taking off his hoodie and handing it to me leaving him shirtless.
"Thank you Payton." I say.
I change into his hoodie and get in my bed. Payton gets in right beside me. Blue and Missy are asleep at the bottom of the bed. Payton wraps his arms around me.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say while turning around to face him.
"No like I love you love you. Brittni, I can't wait until I can propose to you. I can't wait until I get to see you walking down the aisle. I can't wait until we are sitting on the bathroom floor waiting and hoping that the test says positive. I can't wait for our baby to come home and be able to hold it and care for it. Brittni I see something with you that I've never seen with any other girl that I've been with. I see a future with you Brittni." Payton says with tears slowly falling from his eyes.
"Payt, I see a future with you to. I love you love you too." I say with tears also falling from my eyes.
He smiles and then plants his lips on mine. A very passionate and loved filled kiss. We pull away. I peck his lips one more time.
"I love you." We both say at the same time.
We both let out a small laugh.
"Goodnight Payton." I say.
"Goodnight Babygirl." Payton says.
And with that we fall asleep.
I look around my room. Gosh a lot of memories are in this single room. Good and bad. All my suitcases are in my moms car and Payton is by my side.
"I'm going to miss it." I say.
"Yup." Payton says.
I look at my bed freshly made with my stuffed cheetah, Butterfly, in the middle. I run over and grab her. She's been with me for over 11 years. I walk back over to Payton.
"I can't leave her no matter how childish it is." I say.
Payton and I laugh. I sigh.
"We should get going we still have to stop by your house." I say.
"Ok." Payton says.
We walk out of the room. I turn off the light and take one more look before shutting the door. Don't cry don't cry don't cry. Good I didn't cry. We get into my moms car and Blue and Missy are already in their crates. We drive to Payton's house and get out.
"Ready?" I ask.
He sighs." Ready." He says.
We get out and intertwine our fingers. We walk into the house and we immediately get attacked by his mom and sister and Chris.
"We love y'all." Joanne says.
"We love y'all too." We both say.
We pull away from the big group hug. We head upstairs into Payton's room. We grab his suitcases. We both sigh.
"This is where we shared our first kiss." Payton says.
"This is where we first brought Blue home." I say.
A tear rolls down my face and I immediately hug Payton and he hugs back. I bury my face in his chest and he buries his in my neck.
"I'm going to miss this place." Payton says.
"Same." I say.
We pull apart and take one last look at the room before shutting the door and walking out. Payton hugs Joanne and Faith one more time. We then go out to the car and get in. I look at Payton and see tears trickling down his face. I wipe them away.
"Payt this is a new beginning." I say.
"Yeah I know and I can't wait till we get to LA it just hurts." He says.
"Trust me I know." I say.
We soon arrive to the airport and go through security and blah blah. It's time for our flight to board and I turn to my mom. She's crying. She never cries. I hug her.
"I love you momma." I say.
"I love you to Brittni. Visit me anytime." She says.
"I will." I say and pull away from her.
"I love you." She says one last time before I leave.
"I love you too."
Payton and I get on the plane and I get the window seat. The plane takes off.
"Say bye to North Carolina and Hello Californa." Payton says to his Instagram story and then turns his phone on airplane mode.
I lay my head on his shoulder and he lays his on top of my head. He puts his hand on my thigh and within a few minutes we fall asleep.

From Mistake to "I love you."(Payton Moormeier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now