Subplot: Snowball fight and bonding.

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(Y/n)'s point of view

Sunday, December 11, 20XX

Location: Forest.

Time: Evening.

I was in the room of the wooden shack as I sat on my bed with my journal in my hand, writing my thoughts down on the journal.

(Y/n)'s thoughts written into the book: Winter, the time of cooling and enjoying the peace that it can bring with Christmas coming closer each day. I haven't had that kind of peace with being in the city from the fight with Dionix and Discord after I revealed myself... Ever since I revealed myself, people looked at me differently and I didn't know how to take it. Day after day, I would get no rest from people swarming in on me and those that I know because of what we can do. Feeling fed up with how we were being treated, mother decided we needed to get out of the city for a few days. Two days have passed since we came back to the shack to get some peace and quiet while we were able to convince (F/n) and Emma's parents to let them come with us also. IF and Compa also decided to come with us to enjoy some time away from what happened in the city to get some peace and quiet. IF probably needed it more, due to the fact she was on the scene and got the CPUs and myself out of there in the way she did. Probably dealing with her superiors in her line of work and getting shunned for it. I never meant to make her job harder than it was... If I could do something to help her out... I would do it in a heart beat.

I heard a knocking at my door and wondered who it was.

(Y/n): You can come in.

The door opens to reveal IF as it seemed convenient due to me writing about her.

Captain IF: Hey there, kid... What'cha Doin' in here for? You've been cramped up in this room mostly.

I sighed from being asked that question and decide to answer.

(Y/n): It's just... My life, is being flipped turned upside-down because of what's happened... I have made each of our lives here worse from revealing who I am here and... There is no way I can take it back...

IF looked at me and walked over to my bed, sitting down next to me and place a hand on my shoulder.

Captain IF: Trust me, kid... It must be really tough. Take it from me. I'm doing everything I can to file reports and take assignments to keep my superiors distracted from focusing on you... But I do this because I care very much for your family. You may have made the most to sacrifice... But you're strong enough to take it on. I should know. You've taken on monsters, soldiers, thugs and anything of the sort! You got guts (Y/n). And you got the heart of courage to prove it.

I looked at IF and smiled. Even though this IF wasn't the one I know, their personalities are still the same.

(Y/n): Thanks... Aunt Iffy...

IF ruffled my hair and chuckled.

Captain IF: Now get out of this room. You have friends and loved ones that are waiting for you outside.

(Y/n): Okay.

Getting some proper winter clothes on, I head outside to meet up with the CPUs, my little sister, Emma and (F/n). My mother and father were sitting in chairs with hot cocoa to drink with Compa as IF came out to join them.

(Y/n): So, you needed me for something?

(F/n) wraps an arm around my head from my left and Neptune did it from my right.

Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Guardian. (HDN X Male Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now