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Jingxing's POV

I turned around and saw Chengcheng walking towards us. "Xukun, Jingxing, what are you talking about?" He asked again. "Oh nothing much," Kun shrugged it off. Suddenly, I felt a hand at my waist and I was pulled towards Chengcheng. His hand snaked around my waist, he said to Kun threatening, "Don't you dare touch her, she is mine now," "Oh yeah right, since when?" Kun rolled his eyes and said. Chengcheng said nothing but just bared his teeth and him and pulled me away to join the Yuehua boys. 
"I thought I told you not to talk to him anymore?" Chengcheng asked me with furrowed brows. "He's my friend, I can't just ignore him suddenly," I replied, pulling his arms off me. "You don't like it?" Chengcheng asked. "No, it's just that there are too many people here," I replied before gulping down some water.

After the break, we changed back to our grade shirts and assembled. Zhang PD came out from behind.

"Good afternoon everyone, I hope everyone's well!" He said cheerfully. "Today, we will be choosing our group battle songs. As centers for the theme song, Cai Xukun and Xu Jingxing have the advantage of choosing their songs first, they will then pick their members and pick the next trainee to choose his song and members." Zhang PD explained. He let us listened to all the songs, then Kun and I stepped out from the queue and stood beside Zhang PD. "Jingxing, you can go first," Kun said. "Ok, Jingxing, which song do you have in mind?" Zhang PD asked me. "Hmm... I want to choose either Can't Stop, PPAP or Dance To The Music." I replied, narrowing my eyes, in deep thought. "So, your final decision is...?" Zhang PD asked. "Can't Stop!" I announced. Zhang PD looked at me and nodded his head. "How about you, Cai Xukun?" He turned around to Kun and asked him. "I'll choose PPAP," Kun said. "Now, may the two of you, stand at under the boards of the songs you have chosen," Zhang PD said. "Jingxing, please choose 6 other members." "Erm..." I hesitated. Everyone was looking at me with lit eyes, waving out at me, asking me to choose them. Having no one in mind, I said the first person that came to my mind. "Fan Chengcheng," I said and Chengcheng came jumping out of the queue and running to me. He stood behind me and grabbed my shoulders, whispering into my ears, "I knew you would choose me." A familiar sensation rose to my cheeks and I tried to calm myself down. Xu Jingxing, focus! "Next member, Justin!" "Zheng Ruibin!" "Deng Langyi!" "Lin Chaoze!" and finally "You Zhangjing!" All the members of Can't Stop was chosen and I was quite satisfied with the members.

We had to compete against Jia Li, Jeffrey, Xu Shengen, Han Mubo, Qin Fen, Wang Zihao and Ling Chao, whom of which are really good singers, especially Jeffrey. Next, it was time to choose centers and leaders. Both Can't Stop A and B groups entered the classroom and each sat down at one corner.

"So guys, who would like to try out for the leader?" Justin asked. Justin, I and You Zhangjing raised our hands. "How about the rest of us vote?" I suggested. They all nodded in agreement. We all faced our backs towards them and Lin Chaoze counted the votes. "Sooo... the leader is... Justin!" Chaoze announced and pasted the badge on his shirt. Everyone clapped before Justin asked, "Who would like to try out for center?" Chengcheng, Chaoze, Zhangjing and I raised our hands. Justin asked all of us to face the camera and do the first part of the song in our best expression and the rest of them would vote. At my turn, I lowered my eyes at first and slowly raised them as I started the first sentence. Eyes gleaming, focused at the camera, I finished my part. At Chengcheng's turn, he put on his cap and did the exact opposite of me: opening his eyes, before closing them. I stifled a giggle as I had never seen him like that before. Unfortunately, he caught that and shot me a pout. After we have all tried, Justin and the other members voted. 

"Soo... the center for our first group battle song is..."




Drama next chapter.

You guys might have noticed that I changed some parts of the events (I hope y'all don't mind) it's late now so imma leave. Bye.

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