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Jingxing's POV
Soon, it was time for us to gather in the viewing room. As everyone filled in, I got even more nervous. Trainees came around and we talked for a while before it became too awkward as I was too nervous to speak.
"Chengcheng, I'm really scared, I feel like I'm about to vomit. What if we fail, what if I don't make it to the next round, what if I-" I turned to Chengcheng to my side and started ranting before he cut me off. "Xingxing, please calm down. Everything is going to go as planned. You'll just have to perform as well as you did during practice. And I am completely sure that we will make it to the next round. So calm down Xingxing, it's going to be fine." Chengcheng looked at me reassuringly. I gave a weak smile and tried to think positively, "Jingxing, just do your best. No one is going to blame you if you do your best. Remember everything you have learnt and practiced and put them into use. You have done well."
Before I knew it, PD was on the television, he introduced the performances and the first group started performing.
Time flew by, and soon it was our turn. Chengcheng and I walked nervously to the next room where we saw PD introducing us on the television.
"Let us invite Can't Stop Team A on stage!" PD announced. We walked unsteadily on stage as I felt my breathing getting faster. Chengcheng who was walking beside me, quietly held my hand and squeezed it, "Good luck," he whispered in a raspy voice. I nodded slightly and took a deep breath before following the group up the stage.  
I'm so sorry guys, I am in Japan now and will be here for 9-days so I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to update. I haven't got time to update recently so I'm very sorry but I will try my best to make time after my vacation to update more frequently. Thank you for understanding!

peachysope logging out

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