Chapter Two

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I yawn, we've been in the car for hours now.

"We should stop for food," Drake mumbled after yawning.

"Yeah, and soon." I looked at him and bit my lip, thinking of how he got up early for me and has now been driving for five hours now. "Drake, pull over at the next exit."

He frowned at me but did what I said. "Why are we stopping?" he mumbled.

"We're both hungry and tired."

He looked at me. "So you want to rest already? Shouldn't we wait a little longer?"

"I want to eat and we both need sleep."

He sighed and turned the engine off. "Well, okay. But I can easily drive while you sleep."

"Let's just get a hotel."

"I can easily drive," he grumbled but got out the car and followed me inside.

"Hi, can we get a room with two beds?" The girl looked up at us, her eyes flicking between us before she smiled at Drake when typed something in. She gives me the key. We walked upstairs slowly and I muffled my yawn as Drake unlocked the door. He opens the door and we walk in.

I stretched and sighed. "That bed looks so comfy," I told him before quickly walking forward and throwing myself down.  I hear him drop down on the other bed.

"So..." he trailed off, turning to look at me. "What's your favorite color?"


He nodded and shifted so he could look at me properly. "Favorite movie?'

"Don't have a favorite."

He pursed his lips. "Favorite song?"


"Come on," he pressed. "You must have one."

"I don't really have one favorite." He nodded his head slowly and looked away. "Actually, Kids in Love by Mayday Parade." I tell him.

He smiled crookedly. "I like that song."

I smile. "Really?"

"Yeah, I heard Mary listening to it. It's a good song."

"What's your favorite song?"

He looked up at the ceiling on thought. "It changes really."


He looked back at me before looking out the window. "It's starting to rain," he commented. I nodded and sat up. "You can shower first."

"Okay." I walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. I take off my clothes and let my hair out of my ponytail before stepping into the shower. After standing there for a moment I quickly showered then trapped a towel around me then frowned when I realized I had for water on my clothes. I groan. Great.

I walked over to the door then paused, realizing that I had left my suitcase in the car. "Shit," I muttered. "Uh, Drake?"

There was shuffling then, "yeah?"

"We didn't bring in our suitcases."

"Oh..." He paused. "Can't you put your other clothes on?"

"They got wet..."

Drake sighed. "You'll have to wear the towel for now," he said quietly. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom. Drake looked away from me and cleared his throat. "I'm just going to... uh shower."

"Okay," I mumbled, looking out at the miserable weather. I dry off a bit more and sit on my bed.

When Drake walked back out with his towel wrapped low on his hips. My eyes get wide and I look away. Holy shit...

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