Chapter Eight

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I wake up to Drake talking. My eyebrows furrowed as I pried my eyes open and looked at Drake. His back is to me and he's standing by the bathroom. I sat up and listened to him. It sounds like he's talking to one of his friends... I slid out of bed and tiptoed closer to hear him.

I hear my name and become really interested. When his voice lowered slightly I stepped even closer and bit my lip. God I really want to know! I paused when he spoke slightly louder. What did he say about me? Drake paced into the bathroom and sighed. Damn, now I can't hear. I pressed my ear against the door and closed my eyes so I can concentrate on what he was saying. I hear something about him being worried. My eyebrows furrowed. He was worried about what? I hear my name again and I go back to the bed and lie down. A few minutes later Drake appeared in the doorway and blinked before quickly saying something to the person on the phone and hanging up.

"Vee? You awake?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. "I'm awake."

I feel the bed dip behind me. "You okay?"

"Who were you talking to?"

"One of my friends, why?"

"What," I nibbled my bottom lip and looked at him. "What were you talking about?"

"Nothing, he just wanted to know when I was going to be back."

I pursed my lips and stared at him, watching him squirm slightly and look away. "And the real reason?" He sighs. "Drakey, tell me."

"I'm worried about us."

"Oh." I looked down at my hands. "Why's that?"

"After this trip what's going to happen?"

I nibbled my bottom lip and peeked a look through my lashes. "What do you want to happen?"

"Well, I want to be with you." I breathed out slowly. Me and Drake together? "Do you want that?"

I looked up at Drake's slowly falling face and opened my mouth in surprise. "Of course," I told him, quickly sitting on his lap. He smiles and wraps his arms around me. I pressed my lips against his shyly after the way I jumped onto his lap. He smiles against my lips and pulls me closer. I pushed him back on the bed and gently nipped his neck. He groans and squeezes my hips. I kissed down his neck and smiled. He holds me close.

"I really like you, Drakey," I murmured against his skin.

"I really like you too Vee." I smiled and nipped his skin before jumping up and walking towards the bathroom as if nothing just happened. "Vee!"

I smirked to myself before calling a "yes?" over my shoulder.

"That was mean!"

"It wasn't," I disagreed, pouting at him.

I feel arms around my waist. "It was." he whispers.

I bit my lip and leaned into him. "Wasn't," I murmured though it sounded muffled as he kissed down my neck. He picks me up and carries me into the bathroom. I looked at him. "What are you doing?"

"Carrying you."

"I can see that but why?"

"So we can take a shower together."

Instantly I moved closer and bit my lip. "That sounds good." He smiles.

Once the shower was warm enough he stepped under and grinned at me. I smile up at him. He placed me on the ground and pressed his lips against mine. I smile and kiss him back.

"You're amazing, Vee," he murmured. I blush a little. He kissed my cheek and stepped back, his eyes roaming over my face.

"What?" I murmur.

"I really like you," he told me quietly. "More than I should."

"More than you should?"

He nodded and bit his lip. "This isn't the best place to talk about it really."

"Then we'll talk after we shower." He sighed and lowered his gaze. "Drake, we have to talk about it." Lifting his gaze to mine, he nodded with a small frown. "Why don't you want to?" I asked him quietly. He shrugs. "Drake, tell me."

"Do-" I bit my lip. "Do you not want to go out with me?" I asked, panic spreading in my stomach.

He pulls me close and holds my head in his hands. "Vee I want to be with you." My eyes closed and I smiled slightly. He kisses my forehead. I grinned and laughed when he trailed kisses across my face.

"Drake! Stop!" I laugh. He beamed and pulled me closer.

"No, it's too fun." I giggle. He pressed his lips against mine before pulling back and getting the soap. I smile and watch him. Once he noticed me watching him, he grinned at me. I blush a little.

"You're adorable," he murmured, kissing my red cheeks. I lean into him. I really, really like him.

I quickly showered - which made him look at me in surprise - and got out. "Okay, let's talk now."

He finishes up and nods. "Okay." We sat on the bed facing each other. I noticed that either of us was bothered by only sitting in a towel but I didn't comment on it. "You can start." he says.

I stared at him. "I don't know what to say."

"Me either."

"What did you mean by more you should?"

He sighs. "I just.."

"You what?"

I shifted closer and lifted his chin. "Tell me, Drakey."

"I've fallen for you."

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