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The walk to the park was quiet. The four kids really didn't say much. Sally and Paul would exchange looks whenever John and George would start arguing, and roll their eyes at them. But they would silently laugh at each other and mimic the two boys in front of them.

But soon all that laughing between the two stopped once John put his arm out, Sally bumping into it, and Paul bumping into Sally. "What is it John, love?" Paul asked. John was staring at something. Sally looked at him and then looked at the sight in front of them. Sally's heart dropped and she could feel herself start getting nervous. "Oh no." She whispered and held John's arm.

The boys from last time, the ones that were bothering Sally, where sitting at a bench in the park. Sally tugged on John's sleeve, but it was too late, the other group of boys caught sight of them and started to walk towards them.

"John lets go-" Paul tried to say but the other boys where already face to face with them.

"Aaah, it's you again." The boy who had cat called Sally looked at John, and then at her.

"Don't know why you're with them darling, when I am here. I can make you feel so good. Those breasts are beautiful baby-"

The boy looked at Sally up and down and snickered. "But you know what would look good, if you had a slimmer body-"

Before anyone could do anything, John punched the guy right in the nose, Sally gasped and stumbled back. The guy looked up at John and laughed. He then took out his pocket knife. Sally gasped once again.

The guy swung the knife, but missed nearly an inch when John jumped back.

"Oh yeah? You think you're tough fuckwit? I'll show you what tough is-" John took out his pocket knife and sliced his knife to the guys arm.

"JOHN NO!" Sally cried. George pushed her out of the way, and ran to one of the guys that tried to stab John on the back. Sally recognized the guy as the one who touched her last time. Angry tears started to form on her eyes, and she had to look away.

George punched the guy in the face, but George being barely fifteen, lanky and skinny, didn't really do much damage. What did do much damage though, is the other guy who punched George right in the eye. George groaned and backed away after the guy just turned around and tried to help his friend with John.

George grabbed Sally by the waist from behind to stop her from running to them. Paul had his fist clenched. His eyes turning dark.

The guy threw himself to John, and now both of them were on the ground, grabbing onto each other's wrist to keep from stabbing each other. A scream came from John, and as much as George tried to keep Sally from looking, she got a good look at John being kicked in the face. Sally started crying into George's chest as he backed them away from the fight.

"Geo do something!" Sally cried. George gave her a look of sympathy, sorry, and terrified.

"I can't do anything love, me eyes not in a very good position." He rubbed her back as she cried harder into his chest.

But soon, George's grip became loose, which made Sally look up at him. His one good eye was wide open, and his mouth was opened. Sally followed his gaze, and her eyes also popped out when she saw what George was looking at.

Paul had been punching the guy who touched Sally, blood visible on the other guys face. Paul got up and grabbed John's knife, and yelled at the guys little group of friends.

"BACK AWAY YOU PRUNES." Paul ran after them, getting to rip the guys coat, but they ran faster away from him. "I'LL STAB YA NEXT TIME!" Paul yelled at them. Once the group was gone, he turned around and went to help John. Paul grabbed the guy from his shoulders and kicked him in the face, making the guy fall backwards. John was quick to get up and start kicking the guy in places Sally was sure were gonna hurt pretty bad.

Paul and John kept on kicking him until they felt he had enough. Once they stopped, John grabbed the guy from the arms and got him up. The guy stumbled a little until John grabbed him from the collar and spat on his face.

"Learned your lesson, son?" He asked the guy. The guy could barely get anything out, and all he could do was nod. "W-won't do it again." He breathed out. "I think you owe someone an apology." John said and dragged him towards Sally and George. George tighten his grip on Sally's wrist as the boy came face to face with her.

"Apologize to the lady." John yelled. The boy looked from John to Sally. " 'M sorry ma'am. I-i-i was being foolish a-and didn't know the consequences." He stuttered. Sally nodded but didn't say anything. She looked at John, which je took as a cue to get the boy out of here. "Get lost, you big fucking cunt." John spat on his face and pushed him to the ground. The guy didn't even flinch, he just got up, turned around and started walking away.


The three boys looked at Sally with the most "are you crazy" face but didn't stop her. Sally wiggled out of George's grip and ran to the guy. The guy turned around, clearly confused. Sally came face to face with him and smiled.

But soon her smile faded when she punched him in the balls, earning groans from the boys that clearly said "that must've hurt." Sally then spat on his face and punched him. "That's enough Sal!" John yelled but Sally still kept punching the guy.

"You deserve this." She spat on his face again and ran back to them. Paul was quick to tug her back protectively. The boy didn't even look back at them as he grabbed onto his crotch and walked away, limping.

As the boy faded, the four kids sat down on the floor, Sally hugging Paul's arm and resting her head on his shoulder. John and Paul were panting and sweating. Sally looked at Paul, making him look down at her.

"Your lips bleeding." She mumbled and with her thumb, wiped the blood. Paul gave her a small smile and closed his eyes before looking away from her. Then she looked at John. He looked more beat up than Paul did. Sally decided to stand up, making the three lads look at her.

"C'mon, I'll get you guys clean." She said softly. She couldn't help but feel her heart clenched at the sight of the three boys all beat up. She sighed and helped George up, and he helped John up as Sally helped Paul up.

"Joj, your eye." John pointed out as he reached out to touch it, only for him to get his hand smacked out the way from George. "I'll give you some ice." Sally gave him a small smile, which George gave one in return. John and Paul hooked their arms with Sally's as she helped them walk, George held onto Sally's shoulder from behind and was careful to not step on her heels.

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