"Lucky boy"

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"Alright then, can someone please explain why you four look beat up?" Ringo asked when the five of them were walking next to each other. Sally looked at the three boys and then at the floor.

"Well, you see, sometimes, boys can be bugs, and they don't always say the kindest things to women. And when they don't say the kindest things to women, other boys will hurt the bug boys." John explained, doing hand gestures. Paul shook his head and shoved him away from Ringo.

"Sally was with us, some boys said unkind and nasty things to her, we took care of it." Paul said. Ringo frowned and looked at Sally. "Is this true?" Ringo asked her. Sally looked at the ground and nodded. "I'm okay now." She mumbled.

"Oh but there's more to the story, before and after, pretty sure you need to hear it, Ringo, but I don't believe this is the right time." George said, and Sally knew what he meant. And by Ringo's facial expression, it looked like he did too. "You're beautiful, how many times do I have to tell you?" Ringo whispered in her ear and grabbed her shoulder. Sally slumped her shoulders, and nodded. "I know." She whispered, brushing his hand off her shoulder and crossed her arms.


"Where did your mom and dad go anyway?" Sally asked now realizing that Ringo's parents where not with him. "And your luggage." "Mum and dad saw I saw John, told me it was fine and left with me stuff." He explained.

"Where do you suppose we go now, Johnny?" George asked. "Well, I sure am hungry. You lads okay with going for a treat?" John asked. "PLEASE! I'M STARVING!" Sally groaned and rubbed her tummy. John patted her head and threw his arm around her shoulders. "Well then, the nearest diner is about ten minutes away. Better start working those legs faster if you want good service m'lady." John ruffled her hair, making Sally whine and punch him in the stomach. She then got out of John's grip and walked next to George.

"Well you look better than you did last week." Sally chuckled. George rolled his eyes but smiled, adjusting his leather jacket. "Ice helps." He sniffed and put his hands in his pockets. Sally then looked behind her and saw that Paul and Ringo were chatting quietly. She smiled and looked back upfront. George seemed to notice her smiling, since he looked behind him as well and grinned.

"Which one is it?" He whispered. Sally looked at him and pushed up her glasses. "What?" He nodded behind them. "Which one you fancy?" He asked and raised his eyebrows. Sally scoffed and crossed her arms. "None. Not a chance. Never." She shook her head and George laughed. "Don't think I didn't hear yours and Paul's conversation while he was being a sad boy, eh?" He said and Sally looked at him in disbelief. "You snoop!" She hissed. George shrugged. "Can't argue with that. So, who's the lucky boy?" George asked and nudge her. "No one is the lucky boy asshat, now shut up before I make your other eye black too."

George rolled his eyes and lit up a cigarette, putting it between his lips and took a drag out of it, letting the smoke slowly come out. An old lady stared at him in disgust, walking up to him and scold. "Aren't you a little too young to be smoking young boy?" She squinted her eyes and crossed her arms. George raised his eyebrow, taking the cigarette out of his mouth, and looked up at the sky, letting the smoke come out.

"Aren't you a little too old to be around?" He raised his eyebrow and put the cigarette back in his mouth. The old lady's mouth opened, and scoffed. George winked at her. "G'day ma'am." He smiled and wrapped his arm around Sally's waist. Sally giggled. "Nice way to treat your seniors." She said and rubbed her eye. George shrugged. "If they're not gonna be nice to me, why should I? Besides, that lady should've just mind her own business." He took another drag and offered Sally but she shook her head. "Oh, but we all know you're a real big softie, Harrison." Sally pinched his cheek and George moved his head out of her reach. He then laughed and stepped on his cigarette.

"Learning English slang I see, eh?" He ruffled her hair and let go of her, smiling and started walking backwards. "Are we almost there Johnny? I'm starving I could eat a bus." He rubbed his stomach. John waved him off and continued talking to Ringo and Paul. George rolled his eyes and turned around.

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