" 'ello Mimi."

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"Uh, hi Mimi." Sally jolted up and gave her a small smile. Paul cursed silently and got up as well, putting his hands behind his back and smiled.

" 'ello Mimi."

Mimi dropped her bags and put her hands on her hips while tapping her foot. "What are you two doing here?" She asked in disbelief.

"We're having a sleepover"

"You have a room!" She shrieked at Sally. "Why aren't you in it?!"

"There was a spider and I got scared there were gonna be more." Sally mumbled while looking down at her feet. Mimi let out a sigh. "Go to your room Sally, and Paul dear, for the love of God, keep her company for her sake." Paul nodded and nervously chuckled. Sally pulled on his sleeve and ran upstairs, Paul following behind.

"Oh God that was something." Sally sighed as she closed the door. Paul sat down on her bed and nodded. He ruffled his hair and laid down, arm behind his head and the other one around his stomach. Sally walked to the other side of the bed and laid down next to him, keeping a small distance between them. Both kids stared at the ceiling. Sally was deep in thought when she got interrupted by Paul chuckling.

"What's so funny?" She asked him as she faces him. Paul glances at her and grinned. "Oh nothing love," he looked back up. "Jus' you– I can tell when you're nervous, y'know?"

Sally's face heated up and she turned around. " 'M not nervous." She mumbled. Paul looked her at turned his body to face her. "Your face says otherwise." "How can you see my face?" "You just confirmed it love."

Sally scoffed and crossed her arms. Paul chuckled at her and then wrapped his arms around her body. Sally gave into the touch and adjusted her self under his arms. "You give nice hugs." Sally sighed in content. Paul smiled and rubbed her back and closed his eyes.

" Night lovie."

PYJAMA GIRL AND CASHIER BOY! [PAUL MCCARTNEY]Where stories live. Discover now