"Might have to make room for me, then."

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Sally screeched, making John, who was right next to her, scowled at her. "I said, I dunno where it went." John repeated himself. Sally shook her head, fear written all over her face. "I'm not fucking sleeping here, not until one of you find it and kill it!"

"Woah, language," John said astonished, eyes widened. Sally rolled her eyes and flipped him off. "John, trade rooms with me." She suddenly said, making him scoff. "In your dreams ye loon." The three other boys watched the two in amusement. "My, you two act like brother and sister." George shook his head, leaning against the door frame. Sally shot him a look and looked back at John, arms crossed. "Trade rooms with me."

"No." John shook his head and crossed his arms. "Fine, then I'll sleep in that ugly couch in your room." She shrugged and went to grab her blanket, pillow, and stuffed teddy bear. Her and George had their pajamas on already, ready to sleep until noon. John gave her a dirty look. "Hope your back hurts in the morning." He sneered, and dramatically turned around and walked out of her room. Once his back was turned to her, Sally flipped him off, then mimicking him. The three boys chuckled lightly. "Well that was a show." Ringo shook his head and walked out the room. George looked at Sally then at Paul, then back at Sally and winked at her, turning around and walked out of the room.

"Well shucks, where am I sleeping then?" Paul chuckled, making Sally raised her eyebrows. "Whata you mean?"

"I mean that I always sleep there, but no worries, I'll sleep in that couch downstairs, way more comfortable than the one in John's room." Paul teased, bumping her arm and grinned. Sally playfully rolled her eyes, and smiled. "Might have to make room for me, then." She mumbled, mostly to herself, but Paul heard. His heart skipped a beat and let out a forced laugh.

"Alright then."

PYJAMA GIRL AND CASHIER BOY! [PAUL MCCARTNEY]Where stories live. Discover now