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January 10th
POV Lydia
School has finally begun, and right now the whole group is just hanging out by the lockers. Every pair is more or less talking about their own things, me and Sierra are talking about what we're gonna do this weekend and Ethan and Grayson besides us are talking about something I don't understand a word of.

"I love that sweater by the way, is it new?" Sierra exclaims and I smile.

"This old rag? I don't really like it" I reply out of habit and I instantly realize what I did. I replied badly to a compliment and I can tell that Grayson heard because he raises his eyebrows with a small smile.

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath and Sierra looks at me with a confused face.

"What?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Sorry, I just remember that I have homework that I forgot to do" I lie with a shrug and Sierra buys it, I mean what is there not to buy?

Without Sierra really noticing, her boyfriend Isaac comes up behind her and kisses her on the back of her head. She turns in his embrace and kisses him, those two are really cute. They really have something I wanna have. They didn't become a couple at the game as Sierra had hoped, but he asked her on New Year's Eve, so I don't think she was disappointed after all. Isaac wasn't really a part of our group before he and Sierra hooked up, but now he's a natural part of it.

"Hey Lyd, I was thinking that if you're free tonight maybe you'd wanna help me with math?" Grayson suddenly asks and I turn my attention to him, not the pair kissing beside me. I lowkey wish I had something like Sierra and Isaac.

"Well, what do you need help with?" I ask and he smirks slightly.

"Seriously everything. I just realized that finals are in a few months and if I fail I'm basically screwed"

"And why should I help you?" I smirk, knowing damn well he don't want me to help him with math. He wants to fuck.

"Because I'm your friend?" He tries and I shrug.

"Good enough. Be at my place at 8" I say and he nods, obviously proud of himself for planning a meeting with so smoothly. I know that Grayson doesn't even suck at math, he's average. As he said, as long as he passes his final he'll be fine. For me, I need to ace all of my finals.

The bell rings, signaling it's five minutes until the lesson start. I have precalculus, don't even ask me why I chose that as one of my classes. All I was thinking is that it at least looks good on my resume, and I like math so it's fine.

"I'll see y'all at lunch" I say and take my book out of my backpack, making sure all the papers I need is in it.

"Have fun at precalc" Ethan says sarcastically with a laugh and the other guys join.

"Fuck you guys, you're just jealous I'm smart and you're not" I shoot back and throw my middle finger to them as I turn around and walk away.

"Love you girl!" Sierra shouts after me and I spin around while blowing a kiss at her but then I quickly return to flipping off the others. I hear them laugh and I smile to myself, thinking that I have the best friends ever.
100% filler chapter, sorry 🤗

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