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April 25th
POV Lydia
Grayson and I have booked a table on one of the finest restaurants in town tonight. This is so not like us, we usually just order takeout and eat in front of a movie in his bed. Partly because it's the best thing that's ever existed, but also to not be caught together. But I highly doubt there'll be anyone we know in this restaurant, that's why we chose it.

I hear a car honk on the street outside Sierra's house, and I see that it's Grayson who's here to pick me up.

"Do I look good? Am I really wearing enough rings? I need to get more rings" I mumble and start rushing to the dresser, but I feel Sierra's hand on my shoulder.

"You look amazing Lyd, everything is perfect. Now go, Prince Charming is waiting" she smiles at me and gently pushes me towards the door.

"Thank you. Love you" I say to her as I'm about to go outside and she smiles widely at me, embracing me in a quick hug. I don't know what I'd do without this woman, she's my safe place.

"Love you too. Have fun" she waves as me as I jog over to Grayson's car. Of course we manage to book a date on the only night it's been raining for this whole month. In one way that's even cozier though, but I hate getting wet. When I come closer to the car Grayson jogs over to the passenger side and opens my door, and I thank him.

"You look stunning" he smiles as he starts the car, driving off towards the restaurant.

"You don't look too bad yourself"

* * *

We have just started eating our main course, yes we treat ourselves with a three course dinner tonight, when I see Cooper walk into the restaurant. Oh fuck. Cooper is like the number one source of gossip at our school, if he sees us together we're fucked.

"Gray, Cooper" I whisper and nod towards the door, and Grayson looks discreetly.

"Shit" he says and picks his eyebrows, like he does when he's stressed "it's alright, we're just at a friendly dinner. No biggie"

"He's not gonna buy that. We're gonna be the talk of the town within 10 minutes if he sees us" I whisper back but it's too late, Cooper has already seen us. He starts walking towards us with the most disgusting grin plastered on his face.

"Look, look, look" he grins and I see that Grayson sighs as soon as he sees cooper's face up close, but I fake a smile and turn to him.

"Hey Cooper" I smile at him and cooper still has that stupid grin plastered on his face.

"What-what is this I'm looking at?" He asks and points between me and gray, waiting for us to confirm anything. His eyes just flickers between us, first looking at me then at Grayson, and then back to me.

"Friends having dinner" I say before Grayson gets the chance to say anything, that boy is a terrible liar. I know that if he said anything we would be 100 times even more fucked than if I say anything. I just need to get Cooper to leave us alone, and we'll be fine.

"I don't think so" Cooper scoffs with a chuckle, he really doesn't buy it.

"I guess you're entitled to your own opinions" I shrug and try to act like nothing has happened. "What are you doing here anyway?" I try to switch the subject and he smiles.

"Oh you know, just having dinner with my friend" he mocks us and without another word, he walks away. We're so screwed.

"That was really... something" I sigh with a smile and keep eating my pasta.

"I think you handled it well. I certainly couldn't have done it any better" he says and eats his chicken that I'm extremely jealous of, it looks so damn good.

"Thank you, I tried my best. Don't think it worked though"

"Whatever happens, happens. Cooper respects me, I don't think he'll say anything" this is one of the pros of dating Grayson, he's one of the "cooler" guys in school, so others respects him. I just hope it helps this time, it would look really bad if cooper decides to leak what he saw.

"I've seen you look at my chicken for quite some time now. Come on, let's switch" Grayson continues with a laugh and pass his plate over to me, and I smile thankfully.

"You're the best"

* * *

I've been keeping an eye on my phone this whole evening to see if Cooper posts anything, but so far nothing. But I won't let this ruin the rest of our night, everything will be fine. Just fine.

We left the restaurant a while ago and now we're strolling by the water in town, and I can finally hold hands with him in public. It's late at night so we're alone on the streets, and holding his hand feels so damn good. When you have the kind of relationship that Grayson and I have, you appreciate those small things.

"Alright what about this one, be world famous while alive or make the history books after your death?" Gray keeps going with our would you rather game, and I have to think about it.

"Make the history books, I would love to make an impact on the people who comes after me. Teach them something I learned while I was alive"

"Expected answer. I actually feel like I'd be the perfect YouTuber so world famous today" he says proudly and I laugh.

"We both know you'd be a terrific YouTuber babe" I smile and give him a peck on the lips.

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