Unexpected Guest

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Robin glared at his guest while the freckled face grinned down at him.

'What are you doing here?' he demanded.

'You go all black ops on me for five months and you expect me not to worry?' said Wally, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans, giving his best friend a friendly but curious stare.

Robin didn't answer and refused to meet the other male's eye. He was torn between needing his best friend and his need to be left alone.

'Did Bats send you?'

'No!' said Wally, in a manner that sounded slightly annoyed. Robin believed him. 'I came because you're not answering my texts, Bats isn't forthcoming with information and you haven't been to visit in nearly half a year.' When Robin still did not answer, Wally leant in a little closer and lowered his voice. 'I just need to know that you are ok.'

'I'm fine.' Said Robin automatically.

'Are you? Or is that Bat language for, I'm repressing my feelings?'

Robin glared at the older boy again. This week was just getting better and better. He was tired, irritable and on edge and now, here was Wally West trying to read him. There had been a time when the ginger had known Dick better than nearly anyone. Those days were over. These days Dick barely knew what he was feeling, so how the hell did Wally think he could work it out?

'Who's this?'

They both glanced in the direction of the door as Cyborg entered the main room. The half-robot eyed the newcomer, he was dressed in civilian clothes but from how close he was able to stand to the Titan's leader, Cyborg guessed he was a friend of Robin's.

'Hi, I'm Kid Flash.' Said Wally, giving the other Titan a wave.

'KF.' Said Robin in a warning tone, he was mad enough that Wally would show up here in civvies, without giving away his ID to the first person he saw.

'What?' said Wally, shrugging. He knew what Robin was worried about. 'If you trust them, I trust them.' But when Robin glanced away, he eyed the boy he considered his brother suspiciously. 'You have told them your ID, right?'

Cyborg looked between the two, looking slightly awkward. It was clear that this new kid knew who Robin was behind the mask. When the team had first been formed, all of the Titans had assumed Robins' ID was a well-kept secret within the community. Apparently, this wasn't completely true, judging by Kid Flash's reaction.

Kid Flash looked at the Boy Wonder and crossed his arms over his chest, looking concerned at his young friend.

'Dude? What the hell? Talk about taking a step backwards.'

Cyborg could practically see his leaders' defensive walls rising. It had happened a lot in the early days when the team – mainly Beast Boy – had asked too many personal questions. Robin's walls went up and he completely shut off from them, sometimes going as far as to leave the room. He would come back several hours later and no one would mention it again. These days, they had all learnt not to ask the Boy Wonder questions about himself, his past or his work with Batman.

'Shut up, Wally.' Robin snapped.

'Shall I leave you guys alone?' said Cy, he was beginning to feel like a third wheel.

'No, Kid Flash was just leaving.'

The look of brotherly concern lessened slightly. 'Come on Dude, don't be like that.' The red-head said.

Robin was about to push the issue further when an alarm began to sound throughout the tower, indicating there was trouble somewhere in the city. Within minutes the other Titans descended into the main room, they looked a little confused at the newcomer but still waited for their instruction. Robin looked seriously at his friend.

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